
“We don’t need anybody who just sits on the pew like Andrea, so be thinking about what missions opportunities you’d like to be involved in.”
Andrea was 19 when she went along with a friend to a new-member class about missions that long-time family friend, Tillie Burgin, was leading. She still remembers hearing the phrase above, and she knew it was true. She could do more, so she started teaching Bible Study at a north Arlington apartment complex the next week and continued throughout college, nursing school, and graduate school.
It took time for Andrea to take the step to volunteer at the Mission Arlington® Medical Clinic, but when she finally did, she knew it was the place she needed to be.
For a time, she had a job as a nurse practitioner and was volunteering at the Mission Arlington® Medical Clinic three days and one night per week. Then, as God allowed, she was able to come to Mission Arlington® full time. Now the clinic is opened five days and one night per week. Andrea is there every minute coordinating patient care. She gently guides the volunteer medical students and assist the doctors in finding the most efficient plan of care for each patient using resources across the Metroplex. The clinic has about 10,500 visits yearly, completely free of charge for the patient.
Andrea loves working with the population that comes to the clinic. It reminds her of her first job at Parkland in Dallas. She explains, “You have to meet basic needs before people will be receptive about God.” While receiving care, people are very opened to the Gospel.
Andrea also helps by breaking down barriers to get people to a Bible Study near them. If someone doesn’t have a car, they likely have a Bible Study close by. Also, when patients realize that Andrea personally knows the Bible Study leader in their community, they feel so much more comfortable with their medical care. They know they can trust her and the clinic staff.
Andrea explains, “It’s my dream job. If there was ever a job made for me, it was this one.” The medical clinic has stayed fully open during these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, treating people from all walks of life, and making a difference.
The clinic is always in need of clerical and medical volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the Mission Arlington office at 817-277-6620.
Originally Published February 12, 2017