Bible Studies/Congregations

A Bible study in an apartment clubhouse at 11:00 on a Sunday morning. We have 349 groups just like this one which meet around the city and across our community. If you are interested in helping, please give Tillie a call at 817-277-6620.
How we Began
On August 1st, 1986, the very day Mission Arlington® began, a phone call requesting assistance came to Tillie’s desk. The woman and her adult son lived in an apartment community in North Arlington. After helping with the physical need, Tillie asked the woman if she would host a Bible study in her apartment on a Sunday morning.
On that first Sunday, 17 people attended. They came “just as they were,” and that was ok with Tillie, and with Lauren Musgrave who taught that first lesson.
Tillie had hoped to have six apartment Bible studies established within the first year of Mission Arlington®, but the Lord opened six places in a week. Today, the Mission sponsors and supports Bible studies and congregations in 360 locations across our community. Thousands of people attend these gatherings each week.
Taking church to the people
If people aren’t going to come to church, for whatever reason, our heart and hope is to take the church to them – right where they live. Instead of waiting for people to come to us, we want to take the gospel into the neighborhoods as Christ did for us (John 1:14).

An outdoor baptism in the center of town, officiated by Matt Hart, who pastors one of our congregations.
What they look like
These Bible studies are one way we hope to fulfill “the Great Commission” in our community. They are designed to be practical and useful for everyday living while helping people grow into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Our places tend to be small, led by lay people, and held in a variety of settings, from apartment club houses to neighborhood homes. Dress is casual, and the musical styles vary from place to place. Call us at 817-277-6620 to find the location nearest you.
Mission Arlington® writes its own age-appropriate and context-sensitive Bible study curriculum. Written for children, teenagers and adults, it is used in our Bible studies each week. The material is designed for people who didn’t grow up around the church, but are interested in learning. Download this curriculum free of charge for use in your own community. Please note that this material is trademarked.
Teachers & Leaders Needed
Our Bible study teachers are ordinary people who love the Lord, value His Word, and who don’t mind leaving the comfort of their church pew to teach & reach unchurched children, youth & adults throughout our community. You don’t need to be a Bible scholar, and you don’t have to worry about doing this alone. You will have a team of people who surround you as you serve.
Most of our Bible studies and congregations meet during the 11:00 – 12:00 time on a Sunday morning, but multiple times are available throughout the week as well. If you are interested, and/or sense the Lord’s call, please contact Tillie Burgin at 817-704-6170, or e-mail her here. We look forward to walking this journey with you!
Supporting your Ministry
People often want to know how to start and sustain Bible studies & congregations like these. Our simple and truthful answer is that we do the best we can one day at a time, and we trust the Lord to show us the way. For those who want more information, we placed a few thoughts about our work here. We hope this is supportive to your efforts for Christ, and please don’t hesitate to make contact if there is any way we can be supportive to your journey.