Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Lesson 47: Jesus is Coming Back!

Jesus has promised to return. He tarries because He is patient and wants everyone to know Him. As we look forward to His return, we should live blameless lives. Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:9.

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Date Published: November 25, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians, 2 Peter,
Date Published: November 18, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Luke, Psalms,

Lesson 46: Love One Another

Jesus’ followers carried the good news all over their known world, but they couldn’t be everywhere at once to help new believers know how to live. God prompted them to write letters. These letters would teach new believers how to live. And these believers

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Date Published: November 18, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: 1 John, John,
Date Published: November 18, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Matthew,
Date Published: November 11, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: John, Matthew,
Date Published: November 11, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Matthew, Romans,

Lesson 45: The Church Grows

Before Jesus returned to heaven he commanded believers to be His witnesses. They were to start in Jerusalem, then move out to the neighboring cities of Judea, even farther out to areas like Samaria, and then to the whole world. They showed their love for

Download English Version Download Spanish Version
Date Published: November 11, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: Acts,
Date Published: November 4, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Colossians, Matthew,

Lesson 44: The Helper Comes

The disciples waited in Jerusalem for God to keep His promise of sending the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came to all the believers. He comes now to those who believe. He cannot be seen, but His work in our life can: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

Download English Version Download Spanish Version
Date Published: November 4, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: Acts, John,
Date Published: November 4, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Luke, Matthew,


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