Lesson 37: Jesus Has Power Over Sickness
Jesus is Creator and spoke all things into being. With Him, nothing is impossible. Jesus has power over demons. He has power over His creation and He has power over sickness. He even put Himself in our place and suffered what we should have suffered. Memo
Lesson 37: Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
Matthew 20:29-34. Memory verse: Matthew 7:7.
Lesson 37: What to Do When Someone Mistreats You
John 13:2-5; 21-30; 18:2-9. Memory verse: Romans 15:7.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13: Scripture Cards
Individual Scripture cards for each verse of 1 Corinthians 13.
Lesson 36: A Mom Asks A Favor
Matthew 20:20-28. Memory verse: Matthew 20:28.
Lesson 36: Jesus Has Power Over His Creation
Jesus was creating with God in the beginning. If Jesus created the oceans, fish and grain for bread, there is no reason why He cannot do as He will with those things. He is able to multiply bread and fish. He is able to walk on water. We can be assured th
Lesson 36: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People
Mark 6:17-29. Memory verse: John 11:25.
1 Corinthians 13: Scripture Hearts
Scripture hearts through 1 Corinthians 13. Includes a heart for the entire chapter as well as one for verses 4-8.
Lesson 35: How to Deal with Sad Times
John 11:1-45. Memory verse: John 11:25.
Lesson 35: The Vineyard Workers
Matthew 20:1-16. Memory verse: Galatians 3:26.