Lesson 35: What Kind of Soil Are You?
Jesus often taught by telling stories. Through the story of the soils, Jesus teaches us that spiritual growth and multiplication give evidence to spiritual life. Memory verse: John 15:5.
Lesson 34: How Can I Make a Good Decision?
Matthew 7:24-29. Memory verse: I John 1:9.
Lesson 34: Jesus and the Rich Man
Matthew 19:16-26. Memory verse: Matthew 6:33.
Lesson 34: Jesus Has Power Over Demons
At creation, we not only saw God create the world, but He also created angels. Lucifer’s decision to disobey God resulted in his expulsion from heaven to earth where he is seeking those to devour. The demon possessed man from Gerasenes shows us that God i
Lesson 33: Jesus Teaches From the Mountain
As Jesus began His ministry, many people followed Him. Jesus was always aware of the people around Him. On this particular occasion, Jesus took the opportunity to teach His disciples and the crowd. Jesus taught them that they were salt and light. He taugh
Lesson 33: The Man Who Wouldn’t Forgive
Matthew 18:12-14, 21-35. Memory verse: Matthew 6:14.
Lesson 33: What to Do When I Have Done Wrong
Matthew 26:34; 69-75. Memory verse: I John 1:9.
Lesson 32: Be Born Again
In a late night meeting with Jesus, Nicodemus is confronted with his need to be born again. Although a teacher, he found this hard to understand. But everyone has sinned and deserves death. God sent His One and Only Son to provide salvation from the penal
Lesson 32: How Can I Be a Missionary Where I Live?
Mark 5:1-20. Memory verse: Acts 4:20.
Lesson 32: Who is Greatest?
Matthew 18:1-11, 19:13-15. Memory verse: Matthew 19:14.