Lesson 29: Blind and Helpless Leaders
Lesson Goal: To let students see the sad situation caused by leaders who do not take their job seriously or enter their job with the expectation of wealth and/or popularity. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 57:2.
Lesson 07: Rest
Genesis 2:1-4, Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 11:28-30. Memory verses: Psalm 104:19 and Psalm 8:9.
Lesson 28: God’s Grace Is For Everyone
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to see God as the one who calls, saves, and provides for all people. There is no difference in people of faith in God’s eyes. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 56:7.
Lesson 06: Animals and Man
Genesis 1:24-31 and 2:7, 18-23. Memory verses: Genesis 1:25, Psalm 100:3, Genesis 1:31, Psalm 139:14.
Lesson 27: Our Famous God
Lesson Goal: To remind students of the power, goodness and love of God for His people. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 55:11.
Lesson 05: Sea Animals and Birds
Genesis 1:20-23. Memory verse: Psalm 104: 19.
Lesson 26: God’s Gracious Invitation
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to know that God is loving and kind, that He takes care of His own and that He will bless us if we will look to Him for guidance. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 55:6
Lesson 04: Sun, Moon and Stars
Genesis 1:14-19. Memory verse: Psalm 104:19.
Lesson 25: The New Zion
Lesson Goal: To give students a preview of the New Jerusalem. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 54:10a.
Lesson 03: Earth, Sea and Plants
Genesis 1:9-13. Memory verses: Isaiah 40:8, Psalm 96:11, Job 12:8-9, and Psalm 95:5.