Lesson 09: God is Merciful, Israel is Not Faithful
Lesson Goal: To show students the mercy of God, even when His people disappoint Him. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 43:25.
Discipleship Material (Booklet Form)
Five lessons for new believers covering some basic topics. Prints in booklet form.
- Session 1: Born Again;
- Session 2: The Bible;
- Session 3: Prayer;
- Session 4: The Church;
- Session 5: Sharing Your Faith
Lesson 08: Israel’s God and His Assignment
Lesson Goal: To let students see the picture of who God really is, and understand His challenge to be His witnesses. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 43:10.
Lesson 07: A New Song and A Warning
Lesson Goal: To help students see that God wants to bless us, and use us, but He cannot when we are disobedient. He has a plan for us, but we must see and hear His Words and see His work in the world. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 42:12.
Lesson 06: The Gentle Servant
Lesson Goal: To encourage the student to be involved in bringing justice in their world. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 42:4.
Lesson 05: God is the Redeemer
Lesson Goal: To guide the student to see God as the great redeemer. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 41:10.
Material for New Believers – Leader’s Guide
Helpful teaching tips for the New Believer’s classroom material
Lesson 04: Do You Know?
Lesson Goal: To encourage the student to depend on God who is greater than anything or anyone. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 40:31.
Spring Break 2014 Rainbow Express packet
Preparation material for groups coming on Rainbow Express mission trips during any week the Monday of which falls in March or April of 2014.
Lesson 03: Our Incomparable God
Lesson Goal: To give the student some understanding of the greatness and power of God. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 40:12a.