Lesson 07: Jesus Cleans Out the Temple
John 2:13-25. Memory verse: John 2:19.
Lesson 06: A Wedding in Cana
John 2:1-12. Memory verse: John 2:11.
Lesson 06: When Bad is Good
Lesson Goal: To help students see that bad circumstances can be good. Memory verse: Philippians 1:14.
Lesson 53: Esthers Courage
Esther 4-9. Memory verse: Romans 12:12.
Lesson 05: A Prayer for Maturity
Lesson Goal: To teach students that they can pray for other Christians to grow up. Memory verse: Philippians 1:9.
Lesson 05: Andrew and Philip Follow Jesus
John 1:35-51. Memory verse: John 1:37.
Lesson 52: Esther
Esther 1:192:23. Memory verse: I Peter 3:5.
Spring Break 2010 Rainbow Express packet
This packet contains the spring break 2010 Rainbow Express curriculum, training materials, and handouts, as well as a trip planning section for leaders. This is the material that all groups coming to Mission Arlington for Spring Break 2010 mission trips need.
Lesson 04: In His Heart
Lesson Goal: To show students Gods love through the Apostle Paul and the church. Memory verse: Philippians 1:8.