Rodney accepted Christ while serving a prison sentence and was first introduced to Mission Arlington when a judge ordered him to volunteer.
Rodney’s life seemed to be getting back on track until one night of bad decisions sent him to prison for another year. On his way to his cell, Rodney told God, “Every step I take, every breath I make, for the rest of my life, I’m yours. I’m sold out.”
So, during that year, he shared Christ from within that prison and earned the nickname “Preacher Man.” That was also when he heard God say, “Go to the Mission and tell them you want to teach.”
Rodney wasn’t sure if he had heard right, but then another inmate approached him saying that God had told him to visit the Mission also after his own release.
That inmate was released and Rodney followed three months later. Two days after being back home, God spoke to Rodney again, saying “Get up and go now.”
So he went. Although Rodney hasn’t seen the man since, the friend from prison was standing in the office when Rodney walked in. Rodney is still not sure why the other inmate was visiting that day, except that it gave Rodney another confirmation that he was in the right place.
Rodney started helping the next week at Spanish Park Apartments. Now, 13 years later, he sings on the praise team and teaches the children and teens. In addition to his Mission Arlington commitments, he’s a chaplain for the Tarrant County Sheriff’s office. He visits the local prison to pass out Bible Studies and preach.
Rodney shares the gospel wherever he goes. He says “I know what Christ can do. If you will truly begin a relationship with him, he’ll change everything about you.”