
Daniela outside her home. This young lady came to know Christ through Mission Arlington and now leads others to know Him.
Daniela’s life began with some difficult moments, but she knows God pursued her throughout her childhood.
Her earliest memories are from “Peach Street,” the area that is now the Cowboys’ Stadium. Daniela and her mother moved there after her father passed away. Daniela remembers going to a few Mission Arlington® events at the storefront church on Collins. And one day when her mom felt sick and wondered how they would get to a doctor, a stranger knocked on the door to say the Mission Arlington® mobile clinic there and that anyone could come for free. Daniela saw God taking care of their family.
Eventually, her family moved to an apartment near UTA. At the new place, Daniela found herself in the unfortunate position of living too close to her school to ride the school bus, but had to cross a busy street to walk to school. The Bible Study leaders at the new complex told her that they gave rides to school in a Mission Arlington® bus. Again, Daniela saw God taking care of her. Every week on the bus, the leader would invite everyone to the apartment church. Finally, Daniela went.
There, she learned to read her Bible, to pray, and that God loved her. She started giving back by volunteering at Mission Arlington®. This laid the groundwork for her to accept Jesus as her Savior. It was difficult to accept God’s love. She had trouble understanding how a loving God could let her father die before she could even have memories of him. But at just the right time, she let go of her doubts and accepted that God did love her.
Now she says, “God has a plan for you.” And when she finds herself struggling, she prays, God shows himself, usually in little ways, and she finds herself asking, “Why did I doubt you in the first place?” Accepting God’s perfect plan and unfailing love has always carried her through and has proved to be the right choice.