DBU Coffee House Benefits Mission Arlington

From left to right: Joseph Arze, head barista; Tillie Burgin; Cassie Ivey, Coffeehouse manager, and Dr. Jeremy Dutschke, assistant vice president for administrative affairs at DBU.
The administration, educators, and students at Dallas Baptist University have been strong partners with Mission Arlington through the years. Various student groups over time have served here, and truly made a difference.
On January 17th, 2018, the University opened a new coffeehouse on the Dallas campus to great success. Managed by DBU alumna Cassie Kelemen and staffed by DBU students, the shop features classic coffee options, but also a positive and fun atmosphere which attracts, students, faculty, and staff alike. The coffee house is augmented by two study rooms, and a corner stage with studio-quality sound and lighting for live music, itself as distinctive a feature as the coffee itself.
One feature of this special place is the desire to make a difference through the shop. For the past two & a half years, students paid a modest fee to hang a personal mug on a hook at the coffeehouse’ mug wall. This week, the proceeds from the wall – $1,750 – were donated to Mission Arlington®. The Baptist Standard covered the story.
The Mission Arlington® family is so grateful for gifts like this, because it makes a real difference in the lives of people in need. Plus, with each gift, we are able to share God’s great love, with the people who come through our front doors for help every day.
We are thankful for our partnership with DBU, but also for the gift of partnering with each of you who are here making a difference every day. We are truly blessed!