Discover Our Mission

210 W. South St., Arlington, TX 76010 / Ph. (817) 277-6620 /Fax: (817) 277-3388
We have been serving the Lord and the people of our community 364 days a year for more than thirty-six (37) years, and we’ve never felt more blessed! We are here, because we belong to a wonderful community of caring people who give sacrificially, so that people in need can receive the help they deserve day-by -day.
We are so glad that you’ve dropped by. Come see us in person when you can – we would love to show you around! If you are interested in more practical things, such as our “hours of operation,” or “who to contact,” or more information about ways to give, please click this link.
But, as long as you’re here, please click through the links in this section to learn more about Mission Arlington®. You can discover “how we started,” the Spirit behind our work, and how an old gas station forms the foundation for the way we approach our ministry. In this section, you can also discover some of the core principles which guide our work – our key commitments, values, foundations and a sense of who we are. Please make yourself at home. Click on any of the links to the right to get started.
One you know more about who we are, it will help you know better why we do what we do. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or if you just want to know more. The “coffee is always on” here, so drop by when you can, and there are always ways you can “pitch in” to make a difference.