Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Mission Arlington Lessons written in English

Lesson 20: Faithless and Faithful

Lesson Goal: To encourage students to see sin for what it is, and to point out to them that God has a message of hope for His children. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 50:7.

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Published Date: May 18, 2014
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: Isaiah Part II
Scriptures: Isaiah,

Lesson 21: Salvation For God’s People

Lesson Goal: To remind students of the great salvation of God which is forever. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 51:15.

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Published Date: May 25, 2014
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: Isaiah Part II
Scriptures: Isaiah,

Getting Started

Additional ideas to help you kick things off for the summer.

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Published Date: June 1, 2014
Languages: English,

Lesson 22: The Cup of God’s Wrath and Redemption

Lesson Goal: To encourage students to see God’s grace, His willingness to save all who trust Him. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 52:6.

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Published Date: June 1, 2014
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: Isaiah Part II
Scriptures: Isaiah,

Lesson 01: Light and Dark

Genesis 1:1-3. Memory verses: Psalm 119:105 and Matthew 5:16.

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Published Date: June 2, 2014
Languages: English,
Scriptures: Genesis, Matthew, Psalms,

Lesson 23: Your God Reigns

Lesson Goal: To assist students to see the guidance, care and protection of God for His people. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 52:7.

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Published Date: June 8, 2014
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: Isaiah Part II
Scriptures: Isaiah,

Lesson 02: Sky

Genesis 1:6-8. Memory verse: Psalm 57:10.

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Published Date: June 9, 2014
Languages: English,
Scriptures: Genesis, Psalms,

Lesson 24: The Servant:Humbled and Exalted

Lesson Goal: To guide students in understanding Isaiah’s prophesy about Jesus. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 53:6.

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Published Date: June 15, 2014
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: Isaiah Part II
Scriptures: Isaiah,

Lesson 03: Earth, Sea and Plants

Genesis 1:9-13. Memory verses: Isaiah 40:8, Psalm 96:11, Job 12:8-9, and Psalm 95:5.

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Published Date: June 16, 2014
Languages: English,
Scriptures: Genesis, Isaiah, Job, Psalms,

Lesson 25: The New Zion

Lesson Goal: To give students a preview of the New Jerusalem. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 54:10a.

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Published Date: June 22, 2014
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: Isaiah Part II
Scriptures: Isaiah,


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