Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 28: God’s Grace Is For Everyone
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to see God as the one who calls, saves, and provides for all people. There is no difference in people of faith in God’s eyes. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 56:7.
Lesson 29: Blind and Helpless Leaders
Lesson Goal: To let students see the sad situation caused by leaders who do not take their job seriously or enter their job with the expectation of wealth and/or popularity. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 57:2.
Lesson 30: God Accused the Wicked
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to trust God above all else. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 57:13b.
Lesson 31: Peace
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to trust God above all else. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 57:15b.
Lesson 32: Worship, One
Lesson Goal: To guide students to a better understanding of what God calls worship. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 58:4b.
Lesson 33: Worship, Two
Lesson Goal: To guide students to a better understanding of what God calls worship. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 58:6.
Lesson 34: Worship, Three
Lesson Goal: To guide students to a better understanding of what God calls worship. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 58:9a.
Promises Through the Bible – Verse List
As we take a look at God’s great and precious promises, more than one promise has been included for some of the books of the Bible. Choose what works best for your group of students.
Promises Through the Bible – Old Testament Scripture Pages
Large Scripture pages for scripture memorization.
Promises Through the Bible – New Testament Scripture Pages
Large pages for scripture memorization.