Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 42: Elijah
I Kings 17-19. Memory verse: James 5:19-20.
Lesson 42: Evangelism: Leading Others to Faith
This lesson will give and understanding of the meaning of evangelism. The learner will understand the need for evangelism and the Biblical way of evangelism. Memory verse: Acts 1:8b.
Lesson 43: A Woman Anoints Jesus
Mark 14:3-9. Memory verse: Hebrews 13:15.
Lesson 43: Elisha
II Kings 2-4. Memory verse: Ephesians 4:28.
Lesson 43: The Church: The Body of Christ
The church is made up of believers The Bible tells us about the work of the church and how important the church is to Gods Kingdom. Memory verse: Jeremiah 30:22.
Lesson 44: Joash
II Kings 12. Memory verse: II Corinthians 9:7.
Lesson 44: Peter Lies
Mark 14:66-72. Memory verse: Romans 1:16.
Lesson 44: The Church: Membership and Ministers
This lesson describes for the learner Christian beliefs about church membership, conduct of church business, and church ministers. Memory verse: Acts 20:28.
Lesson 45: Josiah
II Kings 22-23. Memory verse:John 15:10.
Lesson 45: Ordinances: Orders for the Church
Two orders for the church are recognized as coming from Christ Himself. They are Biblically based or commanded by Jesus. They are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Memory verse: Matthew 28:19-20.