Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 25: Time to Rebuild
Because of their disobedience, God had raised evil kings to take His people captive. God is now ready to return them to Jerusalem and uses another king to make it happen. The people rebuild God’s temple and then the city walls. Memory verse: Ezra 10:11a
Lesson 26: Jesus Walks on Water
Matthew 14:22-33. Memory verse: Psalm 46:1.
Lesson 26: The Silence is Broken
After the last prophet shared God’s message, four hundred years passed without a word. The silence was broken with the angel Gabriel’s announcement to a young virgin named Mary. She was to have a son. He was to be given the name Jesus because He would sav
Lesson 26: What Are the Books of the Bible?
Luke 4:14-22.Memory verse: Psalm 119:11.
Lesson 27: A Messenger
God communicates with man. God announced to Mary and Joseph that they would have a son, His Son. God spoke to Zechariah, too. God was giving him a son as well. This son would be very important to God. He would be the one shouting in the wilderness, “Prepa
Lesson 27: Why Do People Believe Differently?
Matthew 15:1-11; 22:15-22. Memory verse: Psalm 25:5.
Lesson 27: Clean and Unclean
Matthew 15:1-18; 23:23-28. Memory verse: Psalm 51:10.
Lesson 28: It’s a Boy!
During the time of the Roman Empire when Caesar Augustus was being heralded as the people’s savior, God chose to send the Savior of the world. David’s Forever King had finally arrived! Memory verse: Luke 2:11.
Lesson 28: No Bread?
Matthew 15:29-38; 16:1-12. Memory verse: John 6:35.
Lesson 28: What is the Church Supposed to Do?
Matthew 21:12-13. Memory verse: Psalm 25:5.