
When Logan found himself on his way to spend a semester at Mission Arlington®, he says, “I felt like I had a responsibility to my team (at Go Now Missions). They were counting on me.” But, he wasn’t sure what his role at Mission Arlington® would be exactly or what he would be doing day to day. Reading other people’s testimonies online, Logan found most people said they had done a variety of things, so he came ready for anything.
When Logan arrived, he says he started assisting in several different Bible Studies, sorting donations, and monitoring the parking lots. He drove the Mission golf cart back and forth from the office to the parking lots so that people did not have to walk so far. Golf-cart driver was his favorite role. He says, “I saved that for last, because it was best.” Why? Because “I got to hear people’s stories.” On the way from the parking lot to the office he heard why they had come. On the way back he always asked if they had found what they needed.
Logan is on his way home. He’s applied for a couple of jobs related to his Manufacturing Engineering degree, and he’ll be glad to see his friends and family again. He sums up his plan like this, “I’ll see what God has in store and see where he’s leading me.”
And for anyone considering coming to volunteer for a few months, and wondering what you might be doing here, Logan has this advice, “Just come. Like Jesus says ‘Come and see.’”