Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Milestones & Gratitude

Mission Arlington® turned 31 years old this week. The Lord began His work here on August 1st 1986. Our Director, Tillie Burgin, has been here since the beginning. We believe that the Lord chose this community, because He knew how you would pray and walk the journey with us year after year.

The heart of this note today is to say “thank you” for those of you who prayed and stayed with us through “thick and thin.”  We want to say thank you to those who provided food, clothes, Christmas gifts, school supplies, furniture, and more – and not just out of life’s overflow, but from the heart.

We want to say thank you to those who have given of your time and talents day after day, and year after year. Our time is often our most precious commodity, something we naturally protect, yet again and again you came because there was a need. Whether you are a doctor, a truck driver, or a teacher of children in one of our afterschool programs, you used your gifts to bless others.

Tillie Burgin, our Director, here since 1986, entering last week’s youth camp.

So many of you have given financially, so that a struggling young family can have their water turned back on, or a Christmas gift for their child, or pens, paper, and notebooks, so that a student in a struggling family can start school well like everyone else.  We wish

you could see what we see here every day. You give not knowing who you are helping, but we see the fear and the tears of joy.

We don’t know how to say it to you enough.  Thank you for loving the people, and for surrounding us with such love for these last 3 plus decades.  We are humbled and honored by the privilege we have of serving in and with this community.

The next steps are just ahead, whatever they may be.  We’re glad we’re making this trip together. Come see us when you can, and all glory to God – great things he has done.


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