Lesson 06: Stephen Stands up for Jesus
Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-60. Memory verse Psalm 119:11
Lesson 32: 2nd Corinthians
2nd Corinthians 5:17,20; 9:6-7; 12:9-10. Memory verse Psalm 119:9
Lesson 02: Jesus is Tempted
Matthew 4:1-11. Memory verse: Psalm 119:11.
Lesson 04: God Creates the First Man and Woman
God created the first man and then made a garden for him to live in. When the animals were not the right kind of helper for Adam, God created the first woman. God brought them together in the first marriage. He alone is worthy of our worship. Memory verse
Lesson 05: The First Man and the First Woman Sin
Satan is God’s enemy, as well as ours. This lesson looks at the temptation of Adam and Eve and their sin. God’s Word must be believed and obeyed. There are consequences for disobedience. Memory verse: Psalm 119:11.
Lesson 11: Jacob’s Favorite Son
The life of Joseph shows us that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Joseph trusted God in the good and the bad. God can be trusted and has a plan for our lives. Memory verse: Psalm 146:5.
Lesson 11: Jesus Calms the Storm
Matthew 8:23-27. Memory verse: Psalm 56:3.
Lesson 15: Four Friends Help
Matthew 9:1-8. Memory verse: Psalm 86:5.