Lesson 12: Bad News – Part 3
Lesson Goal: To help students to understand that God judges sin, even in those who claim righteousness. Memory verse: Romans 2:2.
Lesson 12: Joseph’s Brothers
Genesis 41-47. Memory verse: Romans 8:28.
Lesson 13: God Has No Favorites
Lesson Goal: To help students to understand that God sees all people alike and has no favorites among us. Memory verse: Romans 2:11.
Lesson 13: Jesus: Betrayed and Denied
Memory verse: Romans 8:28.
Lesson 14: God Judges Sin
Lesson Goal: To help students to see that God judges everyone and is completely fair in His judgment. Memory verse: Romans 2:13.
Lesson 15: Blind Guides
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to live and teach by faith in God. Memory verse: Romans 2:1.
Lesson 16: God’s Truth
Lesson Goal: To show students that sin is always bad and that God’s truth will overcome sin. Memory verse: Romans 3:10.
Lesson 17: Everyone’s A Sinner
Lesson Goal: To show students that sin is always bad and that God’s truth will overcome sin. Memory verse: Romans 3:18.
Lesson 18: Go Into All the World . . .
Memory verse: Romans 10:15.
Lesson 18: It’s the Law
Lesson Goal: To give students a better understanding of the Law and its place in our lives. Memory verse: Romans 3:20.