Hunter’s Field
Baseball Concludes

Spring Baseball Academy at Hunter’s Field – Children have fun learning about the Lord and the game.

May 5th 2018 Baseball Academy
Mission Arlington® children gathered each Saturday morning for the past five Saturdays to play baseball at Hunter’s Field, ending on May 5th. Volunteer coaches gave their Saturday mornings to teach the basics of the game, and more importantly, to love on the children who came. Bible study leaders with Mission Arlington® rose early to pick up and deliver the children to the game.
These young people received a t-shirt. They played hard, barely aware that they were enjoying healthy exercise. They worked as teams, and they learned the basics of the game – from throwing & hitting to running the bases. 80+ children enjoyed this experience every week, and each child received their own baseball t-shirt.
Each week, the children who gathered to play ball learned a little more from God’s Word, from our head coach and Bible study leader Jerry McCullough.

May 5th 2018 Baseball Academy. “Batter up!”
We are so grateful for each person and every team who put together a beautiful field for children to enjoy. We are also grateful for every volunteer who gave their time to love on children and to teach them the beautiful game of baseball. We are grateful for the Bible study leaders, most of them volunteers, who give of themselves every week to teach God’s Word all across our community.
Finally, we are grateful to the Lord for his provision, and for allowing us to support the children in our community. Baseball season will start again in the Fall. We can’t wait!