Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

“The Tillie:” Arlington’s Fire Fighters Commission Rescue Boat

Christening of the "Tillie," a fire rescue boat for the Arlington fire department. Chief Crowson and Chaplain ... look on.

Christening of the “Tillie,” a fire rescue boat for the Arlington fire department. Chief Don Crowson and Chaplain Don Coker look on.

Watch the Video (Click this link):

On the 14th anniversary of September 11th, we were honored to spend time with Arlington’s firefighters at Lake Arlington’s Richard Simpson Park..  Arlington’s Fire Department honored Mission Arlington® by commissioning their new fire rescue boat in the name of our director, Tillie Burgin.  This open, inclusive and caring team, who describe themselves with words like “duty, honor, compassion, and excellence,” has long been a partner and friend of Mission Arlington.® Both groups work hard and long in order to care for the citizens of our community.


Fire chief Don Crowson with Tillie Burgin at the christening of “Tillie,” the new rescue boat for the city.

After a dedication by Chaplain Don Coker, Chief Don Crowson, and Assistant Chief Jim Self recognized Tillie for her “dedication and commitment to the citizens of our community.”  Tillie’s name on the boat was unveiled, and she christened the boat with a bottle of diet Dr. Pepper, her favorite drink.  Afterwords, shared with the group these words of appreciation:

When you live as long as I have lived, and had different opportunities in our community, I think about an honor like this as at ‘the top of my list.’  To be able to be out here with a group of folks who serve this community in a way that no other does, I can promise you this is probably ‘the greatest honor’ I could possibly have – and for my name to be on that boat – I just think it’s huge. I am extremely humbled and grateful.

According to fire department specialist Mark Maginnis, “this is the very first time we have ever named a piece of apparatus, much less one of out boats, after anybody, and it is our honor to name it after Ms. Tillie.”   We feel the same way. The mission family is honored to serve alongside civil servants such as these men and women in our Fire Department, and so grateful we have for partnering with our community to help ordinary families in need who come through our front doors for help.

We are grateful for the privilege of these partnerships, and we look forward to serving together into the future.  Thanks to everyone who prays, gives, and serves to make a difference here.

To view the video of the event captured on the City of Arlington website, click here.


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