Summer Curriculum
Mission Arlington publishes several sets of Curriculum during the summer of each year. Mission Arlington volunteers and staff use this as supplemental material to their weekly Bible studies.
Lesson 03: Earth, Sea and Plants
Genesis 1:9-13. Memory verses: Isaiah 40:8, Psalm 96:11, Job 12:8-9, and Psalm 95:5.
Lesson 04: Sun, Moon and Stars
Genesis 1:14-19. Memory verse: Psalm 104:19.
Lesson 05: Sea Animals and Birds
Genesis 1:20-23. Memory verse: Psalm 104: 19.
Lesson 06: Animals and Man
Genesis 1:24-31 and 2:7, 18-23. Memory verses: Genesis 1:25, Psalm 100:3, Genesis 1:31, Psalm 139:14.
Lesson 07: Rest
Genesis 2:1-4, Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 11:28-30. Memory verses: Psalm 104:19 and Psalm 8:9.
Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 3
Lesson 3: “Is God Your Father?”
Focus Verse: Matthew 6:9b
Memory Verse: 1 Chronicles 5:20 “God answered their prayers because they trusted Him.”
Lesson Goals:
- Memorize the Lord’s Prayer;
- Teach the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer;
- Encourage the students to put into practice what they have learned from the Lord’s Prayer.
Scripture to Study:
- Matthew 6:9b;
- Luke 11:2.
Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 5
Lesson 5: “Our Basic Needs.”
Focus Verse: Matthew 6:10.
Memory Verse: Matthew 6:33 “What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.”
Lesson Goals:
- Memorize the Lord’s Prayer;
- Teach the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer;
- Encourage the students to put into practice what they have learned from the Lord’s Prayer.
Scripture to Study:
- Matthew 6:11;
- Matthew 6: 25-34.
Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 6
Lesson 6: “Forgiveness”
Focus Verse: Matthew 6:12.
Memory Verse: “And when you stand and pray, forgive anything you may have against anyone, so that your father in heaven will forgive the wrongs you have done.” Mark 11:25 (GNT)
Lesson Goals:
- Memorize the Lord’s Prayer;
- Teach the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer;
- Encourage the students to put into practice what they have learned from the Lord’s Prayer.
Scripture to Study:
- Matthew 6:12, 14-15;
- Luke 11:2
Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 7
Lesson 7: “Deliverance from Evil”
Focus Verse: Matthew 6:13;
Memory Verse: “Watch and pray. Then you won’t fall into sin when you are tempted.” Matthew 26:41a;
Lesson Goals:
- Memorize the Lord’s Prayer;
- Teach the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer;
- Encourage the students to put into practice what they have learned from the Lord’s Prayer.