Alma’s Story

Alma with a child in the Mission daycare. Alma loves caring for children.
Alma found a new home at Mission Arlington® and new life in Christ. As a child, wherever Alma’s family moved, they were always near a Mission Arlington® Bible study. She attended faithfully with a passel of nieces and nephews. In her teens, when they moved into a house, a Mission Arlington® worker picked up her family weekly so they could still attend Grace Street Fellowship.
Alma was given more responsibilities over the years. She started helping in the nursery. After graduation, Alma’s parents moved to Arkansas, expecting her come. “But I love Arlington.” Alma said. She stayed behind, bouncing back and forth between friends and extended family, still coming to church as often as she could.
Over time, the church members found that she had some medical and physical needs that had to be addressed. They took her to the medical and dental clinic to receive care, started an exercise program with her and taught her healthy eating habits.
But this was not enough. Alma still did not have a permanent home. Eventually, two church members, Tommy and Noeleen felt God saying Alma needed to live with them. Noeleen remembers very clearly, “I couldn’t tell God no.” For five years now, Alma has had her own bedroom in her own house. She is under the care of the doctors at Mission Arlington®‘s free clinic. The staff at Mission Arlington® love her.
Alma says she loves “everything” that she does at Mission Arlington®, but her favorite thing is helping the children. She is often watching babies so parents can look for clothing and housewares. If there is a special activity, like Bible Olympics or the Easter Egg Hunt, Alma is there, working hard.
Alma’s nieces and nephews sometimes visit Mission Arlington® and always asks how Alma is doing. It’s special to see them connect again when they have time to visit. Recently, Alma’s parents moved back to the area and began attending Grace Street Fellowship – learning about the love of God that Alma knows so well.
We thank God for how he brought Alma to Mission Arlington®. The Mission is better because she is here.
Alma turns 32 this week. This story was originally published January 31st, 2016.