Lesson 18: How to Pray
Matthew 6:5-8. Memory verse: Galatians 2:20.
Lesson 18: Jesus Sends out the Disciples
Matthew 10:1-42. Memory verse: Matthew 5:16.
Lesson 18: The People’s King
When the people of Israel wanted to be like all the other nations and have a king, they were really rejecting God. The people’s king was disobedient to God. God desires our obedience more than sacrifices. Memory verse: 1 Samuel 15:22.
Lesson 17: A New Place!
God had promised Abraham a new people and a new place. With the crossing of the Jordan and the destruction of Jericho, God moves His people into the place they have waited for. Memory verse: 1 John 2:25.
Lesson 17: Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman Who Touched Jesus
Matthew 9:18-26. Memory verse: Hebrews 10:22.
Lesson 17: Jesus and Zacchaeus
Luke 19:1-10. Memory verse: Galatians 2:20.
Lesson 16: Matthew Follows Jesus
Matthew 9:9-13. Memory verse: Luke 19:10.
Lesson 16: Phillip and the Ethiopian
Acts 8:26-40. Memory verse: Acts 2:38.
Lesson 16: The Traveling Church
Even though Israel complained and sinned as Moses received the Ten Commandments, God desired to live among His people. He gave instructions for the tabernacle and when it was finished He moved in, in the form of a cloud. Many years later, God sent His Onl
Lesson 15: Four Friends Help
Matthew 9:1-8. Memory verse: Psalm 86:5.