Lesson 13: Mystery
Lesson Goal: To help students understand some tasks of God’s church. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 3:16.
Lesson 12: God’s Household
Lesson Goal: To help students understand some tasks of God’s church. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 3:15.
Lesson 12: Rahab Welcomes Spies
Joshua 2, 6. Memory verse: John 5:24.
Lesson 11: Church Leaders II
Lesson Goal: To explain to students the qualifications for church leaders. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 3:13.
Lesson 11: Joshua Serves the Lord
Genesis 12:6-9, Numbers 27:12-23, Joshua 1. Memory verse: Joshua 24:15.
Lesson 10: Caleb Explores the Promised Land
Numbers 13-14. Memory verse: 1 Kings 8:23.
Lesson 10: Church Leaders
Lesson Goal: To give students awareness of God’s instructions for worship. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 3:1.
Lesson 09: Let’s Worship
Lesson Goal: To give students awareness of Godଁs instructions for worship. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 2:8.
Lesson 09: Miriam Sings Praises to God
Exodus 15:1-21. Memory verse: Psalm 92:1.
Lesson 08: Moses Confronts Pharaoh
Exodus 5:1-14:3, 20:1-26. Memory verse: Psalm 25:4.