Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Texas Baptists Support Medical Clinic Expansion

Dr. Julio Guarneri of Texas Baptists with Tillie Burgin, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex.

Texas Baptists Provide Support

Texas Baptists have been supportive of Mission Arlington® from the beginning, partnering with First Baptist Church Arlington and others to help us get started. This past month, some in the Texas Baptist family learned of our need for support to complete the expansion of our Medical Clinic, and they wanted to help.

This past Wednesday, May 8th, convention representatives presented the Mission with a check for $125,000.  Dr. Julio Guarneri, the Executive Director, with his wife Monica, Jerry Carlisle from the Texas Baptist Foundation, and Texas Baptist Convention President Ronnie Marriott, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Burleson, were on hand to share the good news.

Dennis Wiles, pastor and Charles Wade, pastor emeritus from FBC Arlington were also there, along with Tillie Burgin, a few staff and board members from the Mission Arlington®/Mission Metroplex® team.

It was a sweet time for everyone – to be together, and to thank God for what he has done through the Medical Clinic, and also for the many years of Kingdom partnerships shared in the room.

Andrea Wilson, Nurse Practitioner at Mission Arlington, opens a cabinet full of donated BD insulin syringes from Americares in Arlington, Texas on Mon. April 24, 2023 (Photo/Mike Demas)

Medical Clinic Growth

We’ve always responded to the medical needs of people as best we could, but it wasn’t until 2001 that we officially had a Clinic – which operated about 6 hours a week. Later that year, FNP Andrea Wilson joined the team, and the ministry began to grow, opening more hours and treating more people each year. By 2010, the Clinic was open five days (and one evening) each week, and patients were receiving care about 560 times per month.

Fast forward to the end of 2023.  Thirty-two (32) doctors, along with a host of nurses and other medical volunteers treated patients 12,600 times in ten different medical disciplines: family practice, pediatrics, orthopedics, plastic surgery, physical therapy, internal medicine, gynecology, audiology, chiropractic, internal medicine and pediatrics, audiology, and physical medicine & rehabilitation.

The need for more space became evident, and a generous gift from a group of doctors got the ball rolling.  The World Series Champion Texas Rangers and Major League Baseball joined in, and the expansion of the clinic began.  The additional space will add several patient rooms, and a new area for medical triage, expanding our ability for volunteer doctors to treat more people daily. We are truly thankful & blessed.

Thankful to God for You

We are so grateful for the support of Texas Baptists through the years, and especially, with this legacy gift that will make a difference immediately, and for years to come.  We are grateful to each of you who walk with us day by day – giving, helping, and praying for us.  You truly make a difference here, and we are so blessed to walk this journey with you.

Date Published: May 14, 2024

Medical Clinic Expansion Continues

Andrea Wilson, Nurse Practitioner at Mission Arlington, opens a cabinet full of donated BD insulin syringes from Americares at the Clinic last year. Andrea has served as Director of the Clinic for the past 25 years.


Though we don’t have a date yet, the Medical Clinic Expansion continues to move towards completion.  We will post an update with new pictures when the facility opens. Thank you so much for your support.


Our Medical Clinic started in 1990. For more than thirty (34) years, volunteer doctors, nurses, and other health professionals have given their time & talent to treat the health care needs of our community.

Ministry Growth

The number of people receiving care from the Clinic has grown through the years.  From 2021 to 2022, for example, the number of patients receiving free health care grew by 14%.  From 2022 to 2023, the number of patients being treated grew by another 13%.  In 2023, total patient visits to the clinic reached 12,601 people.

In 2023, patients received health care from thirty (30) volunteer medical professionals serving in 12 different disciplines, including, but not limited to, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Physical Therapy, Gynecology, Audiology, and more.

Expanding Facilities

The need for more space to care for people was evident, and last year, the Lord brought together medical doctors, the Texas Rangers & Major League Baseball, plus other loving people whose support made the expansion of the clinic space possible.  Construction is currently underway.

When finished, the facility which houses our Clinic will have seven more patient rooms, more triage space, and much more capacity to treat people in need.

We don’t know yet the exact timeline for when it will be finished. When it is, we know that we will be able to host more medical professionals, and to treat more people at the point of their medical needs.

Filled with Gratitude

We are truly grateful for the support of this wonderful community as we serve the Lord here. Thank you so much.

Date Published: April 8, 2024

“World’s Largest” Easter Egg Hunt


2,933 children (with their families) attended this wonderful event.  It was a great day!

An Annual Tradition

On the Saturday before Easter each year, the Mission Arlington® family hosts a giant Easter egg hunt, affectionately called the “World’s Largest.” No one can quite remember how long this fun-filled, family event has been on the calendar, but it has run non-stop each year, going back at least into the 1990s.  During the pandemic, for example, when gathering large groups wasn’t possible, we kept faith with this tradition by taking eggs out to homes, so that each family could host their own egg hunt safely and with much fun.

Dates & Times

The “World’s Largest” Easter egg hunt happens from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 30th.  The event is located outdoors, in the open field behind Grace Street Fellowship. Everyone is invited. Please bring your family and friends.

Fun for the Whole Family

This Easter egg hunt is open for all, and it is especially fun for families.  The event begins with the telling of the original Easter story. Afterwards, families sit around picnic tables to eat lunch outdoors.  Giant bouncy houses cover a large outdoor field, where children can jump and play.  Finally, we provide six-lanes of open field, with an arsenal of over 100,000 plastic Easter eggs, filled with candy.  Children (and their parents) have so much fun hunting for Easter eggs. Truly, this is an event which is  fun for the whole family .

Free of Charge

As with every Mission Arlington® event, this one is also provided “free of charge.” There is no charge to attend the event, and no charge for anything happening within the event.

How you can help

You can bring plastic Easter eggs, and/or individually wrapped bags of candy to Mission Arlington® anytime up to the day of the Egg Hunt.  Volunteers are also a great help. It takes “many hands” to make this event work.  If you, your family, and/or your team, would like to help, please give us a call at 817-704-6143.

We love working with children, and families.  Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). The Easter egg hunt is one of our favorite events of the year.  We hope to see you there!

Date Published: March 27, 2024

Rainbow Express is Ready to Roll

Outdoor running games at a Rainbow Express from Spring Break 2023.

Building Steam

Though we had one group kick us off early with an outreach in February, Rainbow Express® begins again in earnest this March, and we are so EXCITED!

This ministry is our version of a “back-yard Bible club,” with snacks, crafts, music, games, and Bible stories. Children are ready to be outside again, and this long-loved ministry of Mission Arlington® has been (for 37 years) a persistent & positive encouragement to the young people of our community.  The number of student groups coming our way from across the country is on the rise, and we can’t wait to have them here, as they join us in sharing God’s love with this beautiful community.

Preparation & Prayer

The Mission family has been in prayer and preparation for Rainbow Express® for some time.  Prayer for this ministry has been in our hearts and on our lips in multiple settings for the past several weeks. Our staff writes the curriculum in simple language children can comprehend, including crafts, and various teaching aids. Mission teams coming to serve receive our material weeks in advance and do their own preparation ahead of their trip.  Staff and volunteers here gather materials and prepare crafts ahead of time based on the need, so that everything will be ready once groups arrive.

Ready to Roll

The heart and soul of Rainbow Express is to communicate God’s love to children & teens in heartfelt, relevant, and practical ways.  We’re ready, and kickoff happens beginning in March.  We will gather children in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings, starting next month, and it will continue week after week through the Summer.  The Rainbow Express® engine is building steam, and ready to roll out of the station. We can’t wait!

Last Year

17,846 children & youth attended Rainbow Express® in 2023, held in 292 locations across our community. 326 young people accepted Christ.

Your Support

Please pray for the children & teens who come to listen & learn. Pray too, please, for the student groups who will give of themselves and their time to serve the Lord and to make a difference in our community. We are grateful for the privilege we have of walking this journey alongside each of you.

Date Published: February 26, 2024

Number who Received Emergency Assistance in 2023

Mission Arlington’s “Front Room” is open from 8-5 Monday-Friday and 9-2 on Saturday. Appointments are not necessary, and there isn’t anything to fill out in advance. Come in when you can, and let’s see how we can help.

The need in our community has been increasing over the last year.

More and more, ordinary people are finding themselves needing a little help to get by.  We are so grateful for the privilege we have of serving in this place, alongside each of you, who give so much to help people in need.

Here are some statistics from our “Emergency Assistance” arena in 2023:

  1. 195,972 people received food, clothes, household items, and furniture in 2023.
  2. This represents 56,584 families
  3. 655 people a day came through our front doors for help.
  4. This number represents a 16 percent increase in the number of people needing help compared to 2022.

By God’s Grace & With Your Support

We are grateful to the Lord for His provision. We know that “every good gift comes from above” (James 1:17), and that he “gives us each day our daily bread.”

We also know that our community stands beautifully behind and with us, as we serve.  You drop by six days a week, from early to late, thinking about the people.  As people drive away, we often hear, “I hope someone can use what I brought.”  There is a tenderness in this community which is truly beautiful, and we get to see that heart every day – as you drop by with clothes, food, household items, and/or a check – all to help someone else.

We are truly honored by the opportunity we have been given to serve alongside you.

Date Published: January 22, 2024

Martin Luther King, Jr. “Day of Service.”

The Holiday

Taking place each year on the third Monday in January (this year, Monday, January 15th), the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service (MLK Day), is the only federal holiday that is also designated by congress as a National Day of Service.

In 1994, Congress passed a bill to dedicate this national day set aside 1) to honor the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and 2) in light of his legacy, to dedicate this special day as a “National Day of Service.”

Through the years, Mission Arlington® has been delighted to host volunteers of all ages, and volunteer teams of all sizes who give their time and energy on this day to “make a difference” in the lives of ordinary people in a moment of need. Individuals, families, churches, civic groups, corporate teams have so much fun here every year, as they serve in our community to effect change.  All of us, working together can truly lift the spirits, and support the lives of people going through a momentary speed bump in life.

You Can Help

We will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, January 15th, for volunteers to serve.  You don’t need an appointment, and there isn’t anything for you to fill out in advance. Just show up, and we’ll get you to work.

We look forward to serving with you this coming Monday! It is so much fun to serve together, and to help others at the same time.  This has become one of our favorite days of the year.   Hope to see you then!

Date Published: January 8, 2024

Christmas Results 2023

Volunteers wrapping gifts in our 2023 free Christmas Store.

Here are the results from our 2023 Christmas Store:
  1. People – 30,752 people (7,551 families) received gifts from the 2023 Christmas Store.
  2. Bikes – More than 4,000 bikes were donated and delivered.
  3. Volunteers – 7,867 volunteers gave their time to help make the Christmas Store work.
  4. Spiritual Decisions – 1,032 people made spiritual decisions of some kind.  354 adults accepted Christ. We are so grateful for the faithful support of this community.

Thank you so much for your support.  You made a wonderful difference in the lives of people. We are grateful!

Date Published: December 28, 2023

The Christmas Store

The Christmas Store prior to opening day, 2023.

The free Christmas Store closed Friday, December 22nd, at 6:00 p.m. 30,752 people received gifts, representing 7,551 families.  Over 4,000 bikes were donated and delivered to children. 7,867 volunteers lent their time, giftedness, and energy to run the store, and over one thousand people (1,032) made spiritual decisions – with 354 adults accepting Christ.  The Store was such a blessing to so many, and we are grateful for everyone who helped us over the 13-days that the store was open.

The Mission Arlington®/ Mission Metroplex® Christmas Store is for families who reside in Arlington or Grand Prairie in need of help with Christmas gifts for their children.  All gifts are given free of charge. No pre-registration is required.

When is the Christmas Store open?

The Store will be open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday, beginning Saturday, December 9th through Friday, December 22nd.   The store is closed on Sundays.

Where is the Christmas Store?

The Mission Arlington® Christmas Store is located at 400 W. South Street, which is one block west of the main Mission office.  Entrance is on the south side of the building.

How you can help!

  1. Provide Christmas Gifts – for children up to age 17.  Please bring unwrapped gifts to Mission Arlington®.  We receive gifts through Christmas Eve. Wrapping paper & tape helps too. For gift ideas, please, see our lists below:
    1. List of Suggested Toys -This is a list of suggested toys (and other Christmas gifts) provided by Mission Arlington®
    2. Amazon Wish List – Select from this listing of Christmas toys & gifts, and those gifts will be shipped directly to Mission Arlington®.
    3. Donate Directly to the Mission – Link HERE.
  2. Volunteer in the Christmas Store – Volunteers are needed anytime the store is open to receive & organize Christmas gifts & to stock the store, help parents find gifts in the store that they want for their children, gift-wrappers, and so much more.  Come on down anytime the store is open, and we will get you to work. If you want to bring a group, call ahead at 817-277-6620, and we’ll get your team on the schedule.

For More Information

  1. In English – Call 817-277-6620, ext. 3013;
  2. En Español – Llame al 817-277-6620, ext. 3113.
Date Published: December 7, 2023

A Day for Thanksgiving

Volunteers of all ages helped us to deliver turkeys and boxes of Thanksgiving food to 28,099 people, more than ever before. We are so thankful for you!

Filled with Gratitude

On this Monday after Thanksgiving, the Mission Arlington® family is truly grateful. We are grateful to God first & foremost, because we know that all good gifts come from Him (James 1:17). We also have a deep sense of gratitude for you, the community that constantly surrounds us.  If you were here during the week, or as some would say, “a fly on the wall,” you would hear “thankfulness” as our constant refrain (Philippians 1:3).

You Provided the Food

Think of this.  You brought enough food to feed 28,099 people – 6,953 families. You drove by with full trunks of food.  Instead of birthday gifts, some children asked for people to bring food for people in need, then they brought it to us. So many teams – civic clubs, schools, businesses, and other organizations, organized food drives. You spent your own money – making flyers, communicating the need in a variety of ways, collecting the food, then bringing it to us.  When we put out the word that we were short of food, you shared our Facebook notice about the need over 48,000 times.  Cars filled with food were lined out to the street as a result.

You Delivered the Meals

Volunteers came as early as 6:45 on Thanksgiving morning to set up for the day – with tables, chairs, rope lines, trash cans, and more.  At 7:30, all of us stopped to pray before the mass of volunteers (4,668 of you) arrived at 8:00 a.m.  At 8:00 we heard a challenge from Mayor Jim Ross, and bowed our heads for prayer, led by former mayor Jeff Williams.  There were “Good mornings!” and “Happy Thanksgiving” offered at every turn, and smiles all around.  The spirit and energy of a community coming together to serve others was such an amazing blessing – to us, but more importantly, to the people who received the food.

What were the Results?
  1. Number of Families Served? – 6,953
  2. Number of People Served? – 28,099 – more than ever before.
  3. Number of Volunteers Helping? – 4,668

Our Heart & Hope

Our hope, and our heart continues to be that when people gather around those family tables, that they will pause to give thanks – not to Mission Arlington®, or even to this community, but to the Lord. Thank you so much for making this possible.

Date Published: November 27, 2023

A Season of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Morning at Mission Arlington

Thousands of Thanksgiving volunteers from our community sign in to deliver meals to over 6,000 families on Thanksgiving morning. Join us, won’t you?

The Thanksgiving season is upon us, a wonderful time of year.  Families anticipate gathering around the table to enjoy family, to eat a wonderful meal, and to count their blessings. We truly have so much to be thankful for.  The Thanksgiving season at Mission Arlington® is such a special time of the year too.

Instead of a traditional soup line, where people come to us, we actually deliver the food to the people.  In this way, families can gather around their own kitchen table, with their own family to enjoy this special meal.

On Thanksgiving Day, starting at 8:00 a.m., our community delivers meals to families who otherwise would not have the traditional food of the season.  It is truly a day to give thanks.

Young students sort food prior to Thanksgiving Day.

Prior to Thanksgiving Day
  1. You Can Volunteer – Prior to Thanksgiving Day, we are receiving food from the community, organizing the food, and then packing it into boxes.  We are receiving, storing, and ultimately thawing more than 6,000 turkeys. November is such a fun month to volunteer on your own, with your family, or with your team. Our volunteer hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday – Saturday.  If you aren’t available to serve on Thanksgiving morning, come help us get ready for the big day.  We would love to serve with you.  Coming on your own, or with a friend, just come on down. Appointments aren’t necessary.  If you are coming with a group, call us at 817-277-6620 to get on our schedule.
  2. You Can Bring Food – We need Turkeys & Thanksgiving Food – hams, stuffing mix, canned fruit, canned sweet potatoes, canned pie filling, cranberry sauce, box/mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese, beans/rice, tuna, peanut butter, rolls, pie crust – or anything else that goes with a Thanksgiving turkey. You can link HERE to learn more.

A young man serves to help others on Thanksgiving Day. Children make a difference.

On Thanksgiving Day, 8:00 a.m.

Last year, we served nearly 6,300 families, representing a little more than 26 thousand people.  It takes thousands of volunteers to help that happen, and your support has been so appreciated.

If you would like to volunteer on Thanksgiving Day, please join us at Mission Arlington®, starting at 8:00 a.m.  No pre-appointment or signup required. Children and families are more than welcome.  Don’t worry if you see a big line when you arrive. It will move quickly.

We will give you the name and contact information of a family or two.  You will pick up your food, and then you will make the delivery.  Families and children are more than welcome.

Thank you!

Every Thanksgiving, we give thanks for you.  We are a simple expression of a beautiful, loving & generous community.  You provide the food, and you take it to people’s homes.  We love the privilege we have every day of serving alongside you.  If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 817-277-6620.


Date Published: November 9, 2023


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