Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 17: Jesus the Son: He Ministers to Us Today
Jesus died on the cross, but He didn’t remain there – He arose. Jesus lives today and reigns with the Father. Jesus knows and cares about us today. Memory verse: John 14:2.
Lesson 17: Joseph Reunited
Genesis 42-47. Memory verse: John 14:27.
Lesson 18: A Special Child
Exodus 1-3. Memory verse: Hebrews 11:23.
Lesson 18: Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter
Mark 5:21-24;35-43. Memory verse: John 11:25.
Lesson 18: The Holy Spirit: He is God
The Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is a gift of God to us, but each one of us must decide her or his own relationship with the Holy Spirit. Memory verse: John 14:16.
Lesson 19: A Woman Touches Jesus’ Clothes
Mark 5:25-34. Memory verse: Matthew 21:22.
Lesson 19: Moses and Aaron
Exodus 4-7. Memory verse: Romans 9:14 .
Lesson 19: The Holy Spirit: God’s Gift to Us
God cares for us so much that He sends His Holy Spirit to be with us. This happens immediately when we trust Christ as Savior. God’s Spirit in us assures us that we can overcome difficulties. Memory verse: 1 John 4:13.
Lesson 20: Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
Mark 6:7-13. Memory verse: Mark 6:12.
Lesson 20: Moses and Jethro
Exodus 18. Memory verse: Acts 7:35.