Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 13: The Road to Egypt . . . You have Power for Living
Lesson Goal: To encourage believers to depend on God for strength in living. Memory verse: I Peter 4:11b.
Lesson 01: What is Prayer?
Lesson Goal: To teach the basics of what prayer really is. Memory verse: Psalm 5:3.
Lesson 14: A Burning Bush
Exodus 2-4. Memory verse: Acts 7:34.
Lesson 14: Journey to the Cross: Jesus is Crucified
Luke 23:1-56. Memory verse: 1 John 3:16.
Lesson 14: Leaders are Chosen
Acts 6:1-7. Memory verse: 1 Timothy 1:12.
Lesson 02: Pray Always
Lesson Goal: To provide the learner with the understanding that God is always ready for our prayer. Memory verse: I Thessalonians 5:16-18.
Easter Lesson from our Life of Christ – Luke curriculum. Luke 24:1-35. Memory verse: Romans 6:4.
Lesson 15: EASTER LESSON – 2009
Easter Lesson from our Life of Christ – Luke curriculum. Luke 24:1-35. Memory verse: Romans 6:4.
Lesson 15: Journey to the Cross: Jesus is Alive!
Luke 24:1-35. Memory verse: Romans 6:4.
Lesson 03: Pray in Jesus’ Name
Lesson Goal: To explain that our prayer should be through Jesus. Memory verse: John 14:13.