Lesson 16: Jesus the Son: He Arose from the Dead and Ascended to Heaven
There are many things that are powerful, death seeming more powerful than all because it ends life. By conquering death, the greatest destroyer, Jesus proved that He is God. He has power over death. Memory verse: Romans 6:9.
Lesson 19: Moses and Aaron
Exodus 4-7. Memory verse: Romans 9:14 .
Lesson 21: The Holy Spirit: He Helps Us and Speaks to Us
God’s Holy Spirit is in the life of each believer. Therefore, each believer can depend on God’s Holy Spirit for guidance and strength. Memory verse: Romans 8:16.
Lesson 27: Sin: Its Origin
Sin originates with Satan and with humans. There is a difference between Gods will for us and Satans will for us. Sin is serious. Memory verse: Romans 3:23.
Lesson 27: The Yeast of the Pharisees
Mark 8:14-21. Memory verse: Romans 12:2.
Lesson 28: Sin: God’s Remedy
Sin is serious. The truth is, the unsaved person, someone still in their sin, is already spiritually dead. But, God has made a way for all to be forgiven of sin. Memory verse: Romans 5:8.
Lesson 35: Christian Behavior: Knowing God’s Will
This lesson seeks to assure the student that we can know God’s will and that it is best. God has a plan for each of us. Memory verse: Romans 12:2.
Lesson 44: Peter Lies
Mark 14:66-72. Memory verse: Romans 1:16.
Lesson 48: Nehemiah
Nehemiah 1-10. Memory verse: Romans 12:12.