
Happy kids on their first day of school in the Fall. We are so grateful for this privilege of providing free transportation, wherever possible, to those with a need in our community.
We love helping people get to where they need to go, especially when the need isn’t merely a luxury, but a matter of economic vitality and security. Owning and maintaining a vehicle becomes more difficult when the home’s provider loses a job, or becomes ill. We love filling in the gaps.
Often, in single parent families, a simple task of getting children to and from school causes difficulty or adds stress with the parent’s employment, making it difficult to do both. When we transport the students to school, the parents find more success in their work, and the students miss less at school. We absolutely love filling in the gaps.
School Runs
When the school year begins, our transportation department is buzzing! Van loads of children will be transported to elementary, jr. high and high schools around our city each day.
Mission Arlington® works closely with the Arlington Independent School District to provide rides to homeless and at-risk students, students with children and those working to finish school through alternative education. Without the services of Mission Arlington, these students would have no other way to get to school.
Other Services
- We serve two apartment communities and take senior citizens to the store 3 days a week. Local hospitals call on Mission Arlington® to help people get home from the hospital.
- Each week we provide rides to the Department of Public Safety for those needing to get state ID or driver’s license and rides to the social security office as needed.
- We also provide rides to job interviews and help people as they begin working.
- Some people call because they have no other way to get around our city and need help getting to social service appointments, non-emergency doctors visits and other appointments.
Partnerships through the years
We are grateful for the many partnerships that help make possible the ministry of transportation through the years – from the City of Arlington, to the team at the Arlington Tomorrow foundation, to the various other non-profits in our city we work with to help people get where they need to go.
Grateful for you
We are also grateful for you. Because of your support, our drivers minister to hundreds of people each year (from the youngest to the oldest). In 2019, 463 individuals were transported and 22,354 rides were given. What a blessing it has been to provide this service “free of charge,” to all who can benefit by it.