Lesson 03: Noah Builds Boat on Dry Land
Genesis 6:5-9:17. Memory verse: James 2:26b.
Lesson 03: The Law is Good
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to respect God’s law, and know what it condemns. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 1:8.
Lesson 02: Enoch Disappears!
Genesis 5:21-24. Memory verse: Hebrews 11:1.
Lesson 02: False Teachers
Lesson Goal: To show Paul’s frustration and disrespect for false teachers. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 1:5.
Lesson 01: Abel Offers Better Sacrifice
Genesis 4:1-16. Memory verse: Hebrews 11:6.
Lesson 01: Getting Started – 1 Timothy
Lesson Goal: To prepare students for the study of the first of Paul’s letters to Timothy. Scripture Memory: I Timothy 1:2b.
Lesson 05: Is the Light in You?
Luke 2:8-20. Memory verse: Matthew 5:16.
Lesson 04: Light of the World
Luke 2:1-7. Memory verse: John 8:12.
Lesson 03: God is the Source of Salvation and Light.
Matthew 1:18-25. Memory verse: Micah 7:8b.
Lesson 02: Your Light Has Come.
Luke 1:26-38. Memory verse: Isaiah 50:10.