Lesson 20: The Real Jesus-Part 6
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to understand who Jesus really is and what it means to have the mind of Christ. Memory verse: Philippians 2:11.
Lesson 66: Strength for the Weary
Isaiah 40:28-31. Memory verse: II Corinthians 4:16.
Lesson 19: Jesus Walks on Water
John 6:16-21. Memory verse: John 6:20.
Lesson 19: The Real Jesus-Part 5
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to understand who Jesus really is and what it means to have the mind of Christ. Memory verse: Philippians 2:10.
Lesson 65: Comfort for God´s People
Isaiah 40. Memory verse: Romans 15:4.
Lesson 18: Jesus Feeds the Big Crowd
John 6:1-15. Memory verse: John 6:29.
Lesson 18: The Real Jesus – Part 4
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to understand who Jesus really is and what it means to have the mind of Christ. Memory verse: Philippians 2:9.
Lesson 64: Hezekiah Becomes Ill
Isaiah 38. Memory verse: Hebrews 4:16.
Lesson 17: A Lame Man is Healed
John 5:1-47. Memory verse: John 5:24.
Lesson 17: The Real Jesus-Part 3
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to understand who Jesus really is and what it means to have the mind of Christ. Memory verse: Philippians 2:8.