Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Rainbow Express Begins

Rainbow Express®

If you are new to the Mission Arlington® experience, you may not be familiar with what we call “Rainbow Express®”.  Rainbow Express® is our version of a backyard Bible club with crafts, snacks, fun songs, outdoor games, and Bible stories.  Church youth & college groups come in from multiple cities across Texas, and several states outside of Texas to share God’s love with the children of our community through Rainbow

Express®.  If you are not new to the “Rainbow Experience,” you know that just the mention of the phrase brings excitement to children who have been, because the whole experience is so much fun.

Has started again.

Rainbow Express started with an early group last week, but has picked up with multiple groups this week, since Spring Break is happening at different times for different districts.  Student groups who are here this week do work projects with us through the morning, then lead afternoon and evening Rainbow Express experiences.

Next week, during Arlington ISD’s Spring Break, many more student groups will be in town to lead these outreach Bible study experiences at least twice a day, and sometimes in the evening to.

The best way to provide support is to pray for the student groups as they travel to and from home, and also throughout this city.  Pray for parents as they support their children’s presence & attendance at these 4-day events.  Please pray that the children will be blessed through the outdoor fun, and that they will hear clearly about God’s love for them.

Thank you so much for your constant support.

Date Published: March 13, 2025

Fun February Fellowships

John & Stephie have been married for many years. On the Friday before Valentine’s Day, they enjoyed a “Ladies’ Night Out” hosted by one of Mission Arlington’s congregations in central Arlington.

Taking Church to the People

When Mission Arlington® began in August of 1986, the idea was to help people find their way back into church. We subsequently discovered that many people felt disconnected from the church in general.

It’s not that churches weren’t friendly or inviting, but that there seemed to be some a barrier in the minds and hearts of people, making it difficult for them to connect. We decided then that if people couldn’t come to the church, for whatever reason, we would take the church to them.

Today people of all ages gather each week to hear the Bible taught in multiple languages in 360 locations in Arlington and the larger Dallas/Fort Worth region. We meet in neighborhood homes, apartment club houses, mobile home parks and in any other location where people can gather together to hear God’s Word.

A dinner in one of our central Arlington congregations on the Sunday before Valentines Day. Everyone had so much fun.

The Importance of Fellowship

Acts 2:42 teaches us that the early disciples were “devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.”  This verse highlights the foundational practices for the early church, and it forms a kind of guide to “best practices” for all congregations.

The word “fellowship” has more than one meaning, but in a church setting, it becomes a fun activity sponsored by a congregation which helps people grow closer to each other and to the Lord.

Fun in February

One fun focus for fellowships in February is Valentine’s Day. Our churches have been having dinners, and creative get-togethers, to deepen the bonds of community. The men of one congregation hosted a dinner for the ladies of the church.  Last Friday night, they served Italian food, did some silly skits, and dances, and everyone had a great time.  Another church’s way of celebrating the month was to have a large dinner after church on Sunday.  The picture to the left is of that common meal.

True Love

The people in our Bible studies & congregations are able to express their love for each other, because God has first loved us.  He didn’t just talk about love, but he demonstrated that love, in that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” on a cross.  Then, God raised Him from the dead.  We have great reason to have so much joy in this Valentine’s season, and really, all year long.

Thank you for your prayers & support.


Date Published: February 13, 2025

“Warmth on a Cold Day” – Hundreds turned out to serve on the MLK Holiday

A bitterly cold morning didn’t stop hundreds of volunteers from showing up to serve on this special day honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Community service on this holiday has become a tradition for many individuals, families, and other volunteers from all walks of life.  It has also become one of the Mission Arlington® family’s favorite days.  It

isn’t just that people work hard and get so much done, but that there is a spirit to the day, evident in the spirit & the service of the people who show up to help.

For the past several years, we have had the privilege of serving with the Arlington MLK Committee who, among many other events involved with this weekend, sponsors the Zeb Strong Day of Service. The Committee provided t-shirts, bottles of water, and plenty of encouragement, as volunteers made their way out across the community to serve.

485 people stayed to work with Mission Arlington.® Volunteers sorted clothes, organized food, distributed bikes, and so much more. One of our biggest projects for this day was delivering food to families in need across our community. Food was loaded into people’s cars, and they delivered that food out to individual families all across Arlington. Altogether, over 1,000 families received food that day. The families who received were so blessed, but so too were that volunteers who were delivering the food.

When these volunteer teams were handing the food to families, the reception was so warm and welcoming, that somehow it just didn’t seem cold anymore.

We are so grateful for the privilege we have of serving the Lord together in & through this space.


Date Published: January 28, 2025

A New Year Begins

A beautiful new day lies ahead.

The ending of one day at Mission Arlington, leads to the start of new one. So, we turn the corner into a brand-new year.

As one day leads to the next, so we have “turned the corner” into a New Year. As we look to the future, we want to express our gratitude to each of you for your support through every day of 2024. None of us know what lies ahead, of course, but we take great comfort in knowing that we will be making the journey with you. We are excited about 2025.

Here are some of the things we accomplished together last year:
  1. Camps932 students attended 1 of 6 free summer camps.
  2. Congregations & Bible studies360 locations, averaging 3,800 per week.
  3. Christmas8,080 families (34,307 people) received Christmas help.  4,000 children received bikes. 324 adults accepted Christ, and 791 rededicated their life to the Lord.
  4. Dental Clinic – 34 dentists treated 1,310 patients 3,310 times.
  5. Emergency Assistance – an average of 686 people/day. People received food, clothes, household items, furniture, and emergency financial assistance.
    1. # of Families Helped – 54,840 families were helped. This is an average of 191 families/day.
    2. # of People helped199,367 people – received support.  Open six days a week, 686 people a day, received the help you provided.
  6. Medical Clinic – Our volunteer medical teams (10 medical specialties) treated 3,793 people 10,552 times.
  7. Rainbow Express®22,201 children & youth attended Rainbow Express® in 334 locations across our community.
  8. Thanksgiving7,124 families (29,495 people) received a Thanksgiving meal, delivered by more than 5,000 volunteers from 49 cities across Texas.  More people received Thanksgiving help than ever before.

A New Year Begins

December 31st had been full & fun, because so many of you dropped by, not just with donations, but with encouragement: “Thank you for all you do!” and “Happy New Year!” were common refrains.

Towards the end of the day, about 7:00 p.m., Mission Arlington® staff, Bible study leaders and volunteers gathered to pray.   There wasn’t a planned program, nor any prepared music.  Each of us found a spot in our gathering place, and we prayed. Even though these were silent prayers, it’s easy to know what the substance of those prayers were: 1) We thanked the Lord for the year behind us.  2) We asked for God to lead us in and through the new year, and 3) we thanked Him for you.  Proverbs 3:5-6 asks believers to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” That is our hope and our heart for the new year.

On the Wings of Prayer

Our Director, Tillie Burgin, reminds us constantly that “Mission Arlington® moves on the prayers of the people.”  Would you join us?  Would you keep us in your prayers through 2025?  As we have said from the beginning, this ministry doesn’t belong to us, but to God.  We are simple stewards of His trust, and yours, as we serve Him together. We are so grateful for your constant support.  Come join us, won’t you?

Date Published: January 7, 2025

Christmas Continues . . .

 C hristmas Day was 3-days ago. The dinner was served, and gifts exchanged. Perhaps you took in a movie, or spent time with family, or caught up on some of the chores you’ve put off for a while. This article is being written on a rainy Saturday morning, the first Saturday after Christmas.  There weren’t many cars on the road coming into Mission Arlington® this morning, and volunteers have slept-in a bit (well-deserved), and donors have been slow to trickle in.  By the afternoon, when the rain is projected to end, that will all change. The normal hustle and bustle of Mission Arlington will be back.  So, is Christmas over?

Christmas Ministries Conclude

Our Christmas store closed Monday night, December 23rd, two days before Christmas. More than 7,000 volunteers from all across DFW, and from several states across the continent, came to lend a hand.  8,080 families, representing 34,307 people, came through the Christmas store for help, more than ever before. So many of you dropped off gifts that it seemed like a never-ending stream of people and gifts. It was an extraordinarily beautiful site to see.  We told the Christmas Story from Luke 2 in seven different languages.  324 adults made decisions to begin a faith journey, and 751 adults renewed their faith commitments.

In addition to the Christmas Store, families from our community were adopted, and children were recipients of various angel tree endeavors across the community. Our Bible studies and congregations hosted Christmas pageants, dinners, candlelight service, Christmas parties, and so much more.  Truly, it was the “most wonderful time of the year.”  So, is Christmas over?

A Season which Never Ends

Tillie Burgin, our director, likes to say that it’s Christmas 365 days a year at Mission Arlington®.  The Spirit of giving exists in and throughout this amazing community which surrounds & supports us. We believe we have the world’s best job, because we are blessed when we receive every day what you give so freely and sacrificially.  Then, in turn, we are so blessed to give what you have provided to someone in need. We see the tears of relief & joy, when people have their electric bill paid, or they can receive food for their family.

More importantly, the gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, at Christmas, has changed everything.  The peace and joy which begins with Christ carries on through every day of the year.  So, it’s always Christmas for those who know the Lord, and that is especially true here at Mission Arlington.

Even on the Coldest Nights

C.S. Lewis wrote a set of children’s books called the Chronicles of Narnia.  In the first book of the series, the protagonists fine themselves in a land which has been cursed. The effect of the curse is that it is “always winter and never Christmas” anywhere in that world.  To the contrary, because of Christ at Christmas, even on the coldest nights, in the depths of winter, it’s still Christmas – at Mission Arlington®, and anywhere, for anyone, who calls Christ Lord.

As we turn towards the New Year, may the Spirit of Christmas reside in our hearts year-round. The apostle John says that the “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).

Date Published: December 28, 2024

Free Christmas Store Continues

The Christmas Store opened on Wednesday, December 11th, and finally close on Monday, December 23rd.  The store is open from 10-6 daily, excluding Sundays.

How it Began

Our free Christmas store began more than 3 decades ago with a few donated gifts. The whole thing operated out of a small closet. Last year, 30,752 children received gifts. Executive Director Tillie Burgin recalls that people were being evicted in January, because they had to choose between paying their bills or getting Christmas gifts for their children.  The “Christmas Store” allowed them to do both.

God Gives, You Give, We Give

We believe that Mission Arlington® belongs to the Lord, and that all good gifts come from Him (James 1:17).  At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ, knowing that God gave His only Son, so that all who receive Him might have eternal life (John 3:16).  As we trust God for His provisions, our community responds faithfully & generously with such love. People have learned that truly “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). The Christmas gifts in our store come from the loving hands and hearts of our community. People from all walks of life give, so that our community’s children will have something under their tree.  Beyond the gifts, more than 7,000 of you will volunteer in the store – managing the stock, helping people shop, wrapping gifts, and so much more.

The Store & the Story

Our free Christmas Store is about the way people are cared for as they receive Christmas gifts for their family.  It truly is a “Christmas Store,” where all gifts are provided for free – and even wrapped.  Yet, there is a deeper meaning to the Store, because we tell the “Christmas Story” to everyone who comes through. Last year, we were able to tell that story in 7 different languages (English, Spanish, Korean, Farsi, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Sign). Hundreds of people are hearing this “old, old story,” and making first time commitments to Christ, or recommitting their hearts to Him.  We know that the gifts unwrapped under the tree on Christmas Day will wear out eventually, but the gift of eternal life lasts forever.

The Store Continues through December 23rd

The Christmas Store will stay open every day from 10-6 through Monday, December 23rd.  We will be in the offices early on Christmas Eve through sometime in the early afternoon. Please help us spread the word far and wide, so that no child in the Arlington/Grand Prairie area will be missed.  Come join us in the Christmas efforts when you can.  Bring your family.  Together, we can make a difference.  We are grateful for you.

Date Published: December 18, 2024

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

Building Thanksgiving boxes at Mission Arlington

Volunteers build Thanksgiving boxes on a Saturday before Thanksgiving last year. These boxes of food were delivered to homes across the Metroplex on Thanksgiving Day, in conjunction with a turkey.

Coming Soon

Thanksgiving Day is coming, and the Mission Arlington® family is getting ready.  The excitement is building . This day of giving means so much to those in need.

LAST YEAR, FOOD WAS PROVIDED TO 28,099 PEOPLE (6,953 families)

Your Support Means So Much.

Thanksgiving food has started to come in on a daily basis now, which is so important, and it means so much.

What Can You Give?
  1. Turkeys – It takes about 6,000 turkeys to deliver food to so many people.
  2. Thanksgiving Food – everything a family would eat on Thanksgiving Day, such as hams, stuffing mix, canned fruit, canned sweet potatoes, canned pie filling, cranberry sauce, box/mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese, beans/rice, tuna, peanut butter, rolls, pie crust – or anything else that goes with a Thanksgiving turkey.
How you can help?
  1. Before Thanksgiving Day – Come join us any time prior to Thanksgiving Day to receive and to organize the food.  On the two Saturdays before Thanksgiving, we build our Thanksgiving boxes, and it is so much fun.  We will give away over 6,000 boxs of Thanksgiving food.
  2. On Thanksgiving Day – Volunteer with us, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Help us deliver turkeys & hot meals to families in need.

Join us, won’t you?

Date Published: November 7, 2024

Family Fun @ the Festival

Bouncy House at the 2024 Fall Festival.  1,882 children attended the festival this year.

This past Saturday, 1,882 children (with their families) joined us at our annual Fall Festival, and it was so much fun!

A Beautiful Fall Afternoon

Fun for the whole family. Spidermen!

It was a great way for families to spend time together on a beautiful Fall afternoon in the center of our city.  Moms & dads, along with grandparents, aunts & uncles – and other adults – enjoyed fresh air and exercise, as they walked to the various activities of the festival on a breezy, sunny October afternoon.  Smiles & laughter were evident all around.

Volunteers Bring the Festival to Life

Mission Arlington’s volunteer Bible study leaders gathered kids from their homes in apartments across our community, and our volunteer bus & van drivers travelled the city bringing children to and from the festival.  High school students from Bowie’s baseball team, Lamar’s (Lulac), and Seguin’s Key Club helped in a variety of ways.  College students from various UTA teams (honor’s college, Freshman Leaders on Campus), church groups, civic clubs, families, and so many more, made a huge difference as they cooked hotdogs, served the food, watched over the bouncy houses, loaded kids onto hayrides, operated the carnival games, handed out prizes, picked up trash, and handed out candy.  These volunteers welcomed children, complemented their costumes, encouraged parents, and generally gave life to the festival.

It was a “Happening” Place
  • Food – Hotdogs, chips, cookies, and water, plus picnic tables to enjoy the food with the family.
  • Bouncy Houses (5 of them) where children could bounce safely – to their heart’s delight.
  • Hayride – Wagons with hay travel twice around a field, filled with laughing, smiling children & their families.
  • Carnival Games – Inside our gym, children could play any number of 15 different carnival games, with prizes awarded at each station.
  • Candy – Each child received a small bag of candy on the way out of the festival.
Free to All

Is anything free anymore, truly free?  Not typically, but everything is always FREE with the Mission.  The following statement has been our motto for some time:  “God gives.”  “You give.”  We give.”  From the very beginning (all the way back to 1986), under the servant leadership of our Director, Tillie Burgin, Mission Arlington has not charged for any service we provide.  You give it, and we give it away.  This has truly been our privilege.

We are Thankful

We give our Lord the “glory” for the way he put this Festival together again this year, and for His presence with us during the event.  We are also so grateful for each of you who gave your time, talents, and/or resources to make this event possible.  Thank you so much.

Date Published: October 28, 2024

Home for the Holidays

You Can’t Go Home Again is a Thomas Wolfe novel published posthumously in the 1940s. The protagonist of the book angers people from his hometown, and he realizes that he is no longer welcome there. The phrase “Home for the Holidays” reminds of us of a 1995 dramatic comedy of the same name, but in fact, points to the heart of the holiday season here at Mission Arlington.®

The Spirit of the phrase is captured by American author Sarah Dessen in a quote from her 2011 book, What Happened to Goodbye?. “Home wasn’t a set house or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together. This kind of love built over time, and was something you would “take with you the rest of your life.”

The loving care you provide all year long, but especially in the holiday season at Mission Arlington® makes a lasting impact.  It creates a loving sense of home for people that truly lasts a lifetime. We are truly grateful. We have listed below some basic facts about the Holiday season here at Mission Arlington.®

  1. Fall Festival – Saturday, October 26th, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. This is a free event, open to the community, and located here. You can help by bringing candy, and/or volunteering. To volunteer on your own, with a friend or family, or a group, call us at 817-277-6620.
  2. Thanksgiving – Delivery of food begins at 8:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. You can help by providing turkeys and/or Thanksgiving food. Volunteers are needed through November to help us get ready for Thanksgiving morning deliveries.
  3. Free Christmas Store – Opens December 11th – December 23rd, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day, excluding Sundays. Click here for suggested toys to donate. Click here for our Amazon Wishlist. Call us at 817-277-6620 if you, your family and friends, or a with a group from your school, business, or church, wants to volunteer – when the store is in operation, or anytime in December to help the store get set up.

The Holiday Season is “just around the corner at Mission Arlington.®   Join us, won’t you?

Date Published: October 14, 2024

North Texas Giving Day – A Note from Tillie

Dear Friends of Mission Arlington®,

We know that your inboxes are full – from a variety of worthy non-profit teams – asking for your extra support on the upcoming North Texas Giving Day, this Thursday, September 19th, from 6:00 a.m. until Midnight.

We want you to know that 1) we are also a recipient on this important day, and that 2) your extra financial support truly makes a difference.


Our Work Reflects Your Heart

When you give financially, or items that people need, we can, in turn, pay someone’s rent, provide diapers & formula for young families, supply nice clothes, so that people can work, or so that students can go to school. We can also distribute healthy food for families who are literally, physically hungry – hundreds of people every day, and school supplies, so that students in families with a little less can start the year like everyone else.

People can also receive care here from a physician, a dentist, or a professional therapist too, along with the prescriptions people need to feel better. Families can gather around their table with a Thanksgiving meal, and children will have Christmas gifts under their tree, because of your extraordinary care. We like to say it this way: “God gives. You give. We give.” We truly believe it, because we see your generosity at work every day.

Your Gifts Get to the People

Our low administrative overhead is documented at 1.47 percent, meaning that more than 98.5 cents of every dollar you give ministers directly to people in need. We believe that every person should be treated with “dignity and respect.” Our hope is to share God’s love with everyone we meet and to provide actual help that matters. Did you know that every service from Mission Arlington is provided “free of charge?”

How to Support Mission Arlington®

From now through September 19th at midnight, you can provide support for Mission Arlington® in two ways. Choose one of the links below to make your contribution:

We are in our 39th year of service at Mission Arlington®, and it has been my privilege to be here every step of the way. Thank you so much for your support!

Tillie Burgin, Director
September 17th, 2024

Date Published: September 17, 2024


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