Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 14: Jacob and Laban
Genesis 31. Memory verse: Hebrews 6:10.
Lesson 14: Jesus the Son: He is Judge and Advocate
There is a judgment after this life at which time we will face God. This lesson teaches that Jesus is the one who will be our judge. For those who believe, Jesus Christ will also be our advocate in the final judgment. Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:10.
Lesson 14: The Story of the Seeds and the Soil
Mark 4:1-20. Memory verse: Mark 4:20.
Lesson 15: Jesus the Son: He is Savior
Jesus is Creator and Savior. He voluntarily gave His life. God forgives sins because of Jesus. Memory verse: Matthew 20:28.
Lesson 15: Joseph
Genesis 37:1-35. Memory verse: Acts 7:9.
Lesson 15: The Lamp and the Mustard Seed
Mark 4:21-25, 30-34. Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 4:6.
Lesson 16: Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 4:35-41. Memory verse: Hebrews 11:1.
Lesson 16: Jesus the Son: He Arose from the Dead and Ascended to Heaven
There are many things that are powerful, death seeming more powerful than all because it ends life. By conquering death, the greatest destroyer, Jesus proved that He is God. He has power over death. Memory verse: Romans 6:9.
Lesson 16: Joseph and Potiphar
Genesis 39. Memory verse: John 14:27.
Lesson 17: Jesus Has Power Over Evil
Mark 5:1-20. Memory verse: 1 John 4:4.