Mission Arlington Lessons written in English
Lesson 16: The Red Sea
Exodus 13:17—15:21. Memory verse: Psalm 66:6.
Take a break from the Old Testament lessons to teach the Easter story from our Life of Christ curriculum.
Lesson 17: Everyone’s A Sinner
Lesson Goal: To show students that sin is always bad and that God’s truth will overcome sin. Memory verse: Romans 3:18.
Lesson 17: Jesus is Alive!
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:23.
Lesson 17: The Ten Commandments
Exodus 19-20. Memory verse: John 14:15.
Lesson 18: Go Into All the World . . .
Memory verse: Romans 10:15.
Lesson 18: It’s the Law
Lesson Goal: To give students a better understanding of the Law and its place in our lives. Memory verse: Romans 3:20.
May-June 2011 Rainbow Express packet
This packet contains the May and June 2011 Rainbow Express curriculum, training materials, and handouts, as well as a trip planning section for leaders. This is the material that all groups coming to Mission Arlington in May and June of 2011 need to use.
Lesson 18: The Golden Calf
Exodus 32-34. Memory verse: Luke 4:8.
Lesson 19: Jesus’ Example: Baptism
Memory verse: Romans 6:4.