Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 10: Jesus Arrested and On Trial
Mark 14:43-65. Memory verse: Isaiah 53:8.
Lesson 11: God the Father: He is at Work in the World Today
In the Bible, we read stories about how God created the world, chose the people of Israel, and sent His Son into the world to save us from our sins. But that was a long time ago. However, God is still alive and at work in the world today. Memory verse: Je
Lesson 11: Isaac and Rebekah
Genesis 24. Memory verse: Romans 4:3.
Lesson 11: Jesus is Crucified
Mark 15:1-47. Memory verse: 1 John 4:10.
Lesson 12: Jacob and Esau
Genesis 25-35. Memory verse: Hebrews 22:14.
Lesson 12: Jesus is Alive!
Mark 16:1-16. Memory verse: John 20:29.
Lesson 12: Jesus the Son: He is God and Man
Jesus is the one and only Son of God, fully human and fully divine. He never sinned. God loved us so much that He sent this one and only Son to become man. Through Him we are offered eternal life. Memory verse: John 3:16.
Lesson 13: Jacob and Rachel
Genesis 29:1-14. Memory verse: Hebrews 8:12.
Lesson 13: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Mark 2:23-28. Memory verse: Matthew 11:28.
Lesson 13: Jesus the Son: He is Creator and Friend
Jesus Christ is God’s Son. He existed before the world began. Jesus was with God and was involved in creating the world. Jesus is also our friend. Memory verse: Colossians 2:9.