Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

The free “Christmas Store”

Last year, 34,307 people (8,080 families) were touched by the Christmas Store.

When is it open?

The free Store will open daily from  December 13th – December 23rd, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm  every day (excluding Sundays). On the last day, December 23rd, the Store closes at noon.

What is it?

“Where parents shop to receive free gifts for their children!”  The Christmas Season is a time for celebrating our Lord, Jesus Christ, showing love to those around us, and embracing a spirit of giving.

In addition to receiving toys for their children, every adult who comes through the Christmas Store will hear the beautiful story of Christ’s birth, shared from the Scriptures and narrated by creative & faithful storytellers. The free Store is located here.

How you can help!
  1. Provide Christmas Gifts – for children up to age 17.  Please bring unwrapped gifts to Mission Arlington®.  We receive gifts through Christmas Eve. Wrapping paper & tape helps too. For gift ideas, please, see our lists below:
    1. List of Suggested Toys -This is a list of suggested toys (and other Christmas gifts) provided by Mission Arlington® 
    2. Amazon Wish List – Select from this listing of Christmas toys & gifts, and those gifts will be shipped directly to Mission Arlington®.
  2. Volunteer in the Christmas Store – Volunteers are needed anytime the store is open 1) to receive & organize Christmas gifts & to stock the store, 2) help parents find gifts in the store that they want for their children, 3) gift-wrappers, 4) childcare workers, and so much more.  Come on down anytime the store is open, and we will get you to work. If you want to bring a group, call ahead at 817-277-6620, and we’ll get your team on the schedule.
  3. Volunteer before Opening Day – Volunteers are needed anytime between 7 & 7, Monday through Saturday after Thanksgiving to help us get ready for opening day.

Quick Reference to more Holiday Events

Click the links below to discover more information about the next round of holiday ministries.

  • Fall Festival 2025 – October 25th, 2025, from 12 to 4 p.m.; To learn more details about this event, and/or to discover ways you can provide support, click here.
  • Thanksgiving Day 2025 – November 27th, 8:00 a.m.; to learn more about the details of this day, the preparation leading up to the day, and/or the ways you can provide support, click here;
  • Easter 2025 Easter Egg Hunt: April 19th, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; For more info., click here.

Thank you so much for your support!

 E ach major event we do, like the ones listed above, generally take a year in advance to get ready. For example, we receive school supplies, Christmas toys, and Thanksgiving food all year long, setting it aside until “the day” arrives.

 A s you may know, it isn’t at all unusual to have groups sorting and moving Christmas toys in the summer months, because that’s just what it takes to get ready. We work all year long on each holiday event.

 S o, we can do all of these things to help people in our community, because of your generosity and the faithful way you provide finances, food, Christmas toys, school supplies, and so much more. We are so grateful for you!

 Y our prayers make a difference, and we appreciate not just the way you give your time when you volunteer, but also the opportunity to work beside you day by day. You make it EASY to care for people. Thank you. To God be the glory!


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