Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Mission Arlington® on the Fourth

The Fourth of July Parade in downtown Arlington is a very special event for the Mission Arlington family.  The longest-running event in Arlington, this 4th of July parade has been in continuous operation since 1965.

Tillie Burgin has been attending this parade for just about that long (minus the years the Burgin family served in S. Korea), because her father, Erman Lester, owned a Gulf full-service gas station directly across from the old City Hall, located at Pecan and Abram street downtown.  Mr. Lester and his wife Bonnie hosted many citizens in those days, icing down cokes and serving them for a quarter, providing prime seats for the parade. Tillie was honored to serve as the parade’s “Grand Marshall” in 1998. The parade that year was dedicated to “those unsung heroes in our midst.”

In the mid nineties, SJ Stovall, former Mayor of Arlington, and then President of the Mission Metroplex, board started a tradition which still exists to this day. SJ was touched by the spirit, energy, and commitment of the students who gave all or part of their summers to serve the Lord in Arlington free of charge.  July 4th morning, prior to the parade, became a time to serve breakfast and to honor these summer missionaries.

The Mission Arlington® family – which includes staff, volunteers, and family from our Bible studies and congregations – is gathered downtown this morning to enjoy family time around the breakfast tables, and then to view the parade. If you are in the parade, watch for us around Abram and West, just prior to your turn toward City Hall. If you are viewing the parade, drop by. We would love to see you.

When the parade ends around noon, this dedicated team of people will be at the mission to receive your donations, and to provide for people in need through the afternoon.

We love serving the Lord alongside this community for the past 31 years. Thank you for the way you give, serve, and pray to help others hear about God’s love, and to find what they need here to take care of their family.  Happy Independence Day. We are grateful for you.

Date Published: July 4, 2019

School Supplies Help Students Succeed

Anew school year means new supplies, and another chance for all of us to provide for the children & youth in our community.  Mission Arlington® has the privilege to be your partner again in collecting & distributing what you provide to an anticipated 10,000+ AISD students.

Ways you can provide support

The need looks to be just as great in 2019. Here is some information we hope will make it easier for you when you give:

  • Purchase School Supplies Yourself– This link takes you to an “easy to print” list of needed school supplies.  Please share this list with others who want to help.
  • We Can Purchase School Supplies for You– Given the busyness and pace of modern life, it may be easier for you to donate online. We will take your financial gift and purchase the school supplies for you. Click on the link, then choose the “school supply” option under “categories and funds.” 100 percent of your donation will be used to purchase school supplies, and we will send you a receipt. Donate Online here
  • Organize a School Supply Drive – Distribute the printable list to friends and family. Partner with your church/school, or civic groups, or with your neighborhood. School supply drives build a sense of community, and it is fun to do. If you need help getting the supplies to the Mission, call us, and we’ll Schedule a Pickup.
  • Bring the Supplies to Mission Arlington® –  Please drop off the school supplies at our main offices downtown. We are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday to receive your donation. 
  • Volunteering – We receive school supplies all year long, but especially in the summer through August. We need your help now to get these supplies organized anytime that you are available (no appointment necessary).   If you would like to bring your team, give us a call at 817-277-6620, and we’ll get you on the schedule.  We love and appreciate your passion to help our community’s students.
Distribution Dates & Times

Many volunteers and volunteer teams love the organization involved in the work of school supplies. Many volunteers also especially love the connection and blessing of handing the supplies to the children and their families. Below, you will see our planned dates and times for the distribution of school supplies to the community.

  • Friday, August 9th (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
  • Saturday, August 10 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
  • Monday-Friday, August 12-16 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
  • Saturday, August 17 (9: a.m. to 12 p.m.)
We are grateful for you!

Not only do these provisions help students to succeed academically, but it encourages them personally in more ways than we could possibly understand.  The tears of joy we see, and the hugs we receive, are intended for you. We are constantly amazed by the way you give to help people you don’t know, to bless the children & youth of our community.  Thank you!

For more of the heart behind this, you might enjoy watching this 55 second interview with Tillie from 2016.

Date Published: June 15, 2019


Revival Services under a “tent in the center of town.”

Revival season for Mission Arlington® historically has been in June, and it used to mean outdoor tents with the gathering of large crowds outdoors, a preacher, food, events for children, and more. One of the favorite songs of these days was “A Tent in the Center of Town.” Early on, our tent revivals were located geographically in four or five places around town, and each of the apartment congregations would attend one of these three-day events. The worship outdoors was refreshing, and the response to biblical messages was encouraging. Many people accepted the Lord, and/or rededicated their lives to Him.

Rolling up the tent.

Over time, especially as the believers in these congregations began to thrive spiritually, more and more of these teams wanted to host revival services in their own place, instead of joining in one central location.  Last year, for example, instead of 4 major revivals, there were 15 events hosted all across our community.  Early this year, several here at Mission Arlington®, along with Tillie Burgin, our director, began to sense that the Lord was leading us in a different direction.  Instead of having speakers share the gospel message in centralized locations, each team would train their own people to reach out to people in their own neighborhoods.  Starting late May, we’ve done just that.

Bible study leaders and congregants have been learning to share their faith with others. Instead of leaning on the strength of others to share the good news, people have been learning how to tell their own story of what Christ has done for them.  The results, so far, have been phenomenal.  Many people in our congregations were nervous about sharing their faith.  Yet, as they overcame their own fears about “knocking on doors,” a holy confidence began to develop.  This confidence turned to joy.  Through this outpouring of witness, many people so far have accepted Christ as their Savior.  The people sharing their faith have been blessed beyond what they believed possible.

We know that Revival is a movement of God, and we know that believers play their part.  Our prayer is that, for us, revival won’t be an event – lasting for a month, or even for a season, but that our efforts to share our faith will flow naturally from transformed hearts to a city, a nation, and a world.

We would be honored if you would pray with us in these days.  To God be the glory.

[Originally published June 2019]

Date Published: June 8, 2019

Turning the Corner to summer!

Tillie directing buses filled with children, as they make the journey to summer camp.

Summer is almost here, and it isn’t just the kids who are excited.

Rainbow Express® begins again next week, and Summer Missionaries are already arriving.  Our after-school programs transition into summer “day programs,” camps, and more.

Youth soccer game at camp last July.

Revival services will be different this year. Instead of the traditional gathering of people in one location this June, our congregations are taking the good news of Christ with them into their neighborhoods, sharing the good news of Christ, covered in prayer.

Before long, we will be in our “school supply” season. We receive school supplies from our community which we distribute to Arlington ISD students before the start of school this Fall. Last year, because of this community’s generosity, we were able to provide supplies to more than 10,000 students.

We are so grateful to be walking this journey alongside each of you. Your prayers, gifts, and help make all the difference.

It is going to be a great summer!

Date Published: May 21, 2019

Women’s Ministry

Ladies' Night Out at Mission Arlington

200+ ladies worshiping the Lord together

Several years ago, we began a new tradition, honoring women on the Friday night before Mother’s day. It started out pretty slowly, but has grown over time.  Women from Mission Arlington congregations gather from all across the community to worship and to hear an encouraging devotional thought from a talented speaker and from the Scriptures. Last night, over 200 women joined together as one body – worshiping the Lord. There is something so strong and beautiful about an all female voices, lifted in praise to the Lord. Afterwards, the ladies headed to central Arlington where a meal was being hosted for them by Babe’s Chicken Dinner House in Arlington. Laughter, and lots of love, filled the makeshift restaurant.

Regina Grissom was the speaker last night. Regina brings her own down-to-earth style of wisdom and humor to the table every time she speaks. People are encouraged by her warmth and dedication to Christ. Tillie Burgin was present too, and led in part of the worship and prayer time. As women left the event Friday night, there was a great sense of encouragement in the Lord and connectedness to each other.

“Where were the men?” some have asked. The men were delighted to care for the children while the ladies had their night out, and it was so much fun. A few of Mission Arlington’s congregations came together to make this possible, so that the kids could run around in a gym, and other dads just took care of the children at home.

As we role into this special Mother’s day tomorrow, we give thanks to the Lord for the women in our lives, and the roles they play in our homes, neighborhoods, civic organizations, churches, and our community at Large.  We were so pleased for the opportunity to provide the night out for these ladies, and we look forward to more endeavors together around the bend.

Date Published: May 11, 2019

Easter Results

Thousands of children attended our annual Easter egg hunt. Pictured here, one of our Bible studies and congregations from the East Side of our community waiting in line for the egg hunt. It took over 100,000 eggs to have enough for the day.

Easter was extraordinary at Mission Arlington® again this year. We are so grateful for the faithful and generous spirit of this community which made so much that happened here possible. We thought you might want to see a few pictures from our Easter events, and to see the number of people touched along the way. Thank you so much for your support.

Here are a few of the results:
Event Number of People
“Easter Store” 904
“Maundy Thursday 242
Easter Egg Hunt 5254
Easter Sunday 3204

Thank you so much for your constant support of our work. We are grateful for you.

Date Published: April 25, 2019

Holy Week at Mission Arlington®

Easter week is a busy one for the Mission Arlington® family, but each activity and every event has such meaning for us, that we wish we could linger here longer before moving on.  There is a sacredness about each moment, and important possibilities inherent in each event, which we want to savor.  You can find these events listed in multiple places across our network, but here is a brief listing:

    1. EASTER STORE – Wednesday & Thursday, April 17th & 18th, from 10 to 6 both days. Spring clothes and Easter baskets, plus a few extras are provided for families in need. Every family who comes through hears the biblical story behind Easter and is given an opportunity to respond;
    2. MAUNDY THURSDAY YOUTH SERVICE – Thursday Night, April 18th, 6:30 p.m. This special service for youth is designed for the youth who attend our weekly Bible studies and congregations, but it is open to any who are led to come. Call us at 817-277-6620 for more information.
    3. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES – Several of our Bible studies and congregations are hosting services which call us to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. Please call for more information if you are interested in attending.
    4. “WORLD’S LARGEST’ EASTER EGG HUNT – From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 20th, in central Arlington at 1514 Cherry Drive, near the Southeast corner of 303 and Fielder Rd, across from the Kroger. Bouncy houses, free food, and a huge Easter egg hunt, plus the opportunity for everyone to hear the story of Christ’s death and resurrection, this event is free and open to the public.
    5. EASTER SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES – The Mission Arlington® family consists in part of 354 Bible studies and congregations across our community. Each of them will be having special Easter celebration services this Sunday morning. Please call us at 817-277-6620 for times and locations if you are interested in attending.

We are now twenty years past 9-1-1 in our country. Many of remember in vivid and emotional detail the horrors of that day, but there are many young people who are coming of age now who only know the story as it has been related to them by others. We know it is important to remember certain moments in time.

This Easter week is Holy for so many, because it is one way we remember the sacrifices made on our behalf. “For God so loved the world that He sent His only son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”  The heavenly Father sent His only son to pay our debt through his death on a cross.  On Easter Sunday, Christ rolled away the stone which sealed his tomb, defeating death once and for all for any who will open their hearts to a personal relationship with Him.  Click HERE to learn more, or give us a call.

We hope you will join us in some of these events where you can, and may each of you have a blessed Easter.


Date Published: April 18, 2019

“Pennies on the Dollar”

Administrative Overhead

When you give to any organization, you know that a certain percent of what you give supports the administrative group who “get the ministry done.” Staff needs to be paid, utilities need to stay on, and the ministry team needs a place from which to operate. This is healthy and good.

Over time, however, in some organizations, administrative costs rise to the point that a significant percentage of the gift supports a ministry’s overhead, but doesn’t reach the intended target – a person in need.  At Mission Arlington®, we hold closely two things every day: 1) You give sacrificially, and 2) You give for a purpose – to help people in need.

Watching the Pennies “Like a Hawk”

Tillie Burgin

Because of this, the team at Mission Arlington® watches administrative expenses carefully – some would say “like a hawk,” so that more and more of your resources get to the people who need it.  We use volunteers wherever possible instead of paid staff, and donated equipment instead of purchased supplies.  Our team watches every penny closely, so that less is spent on staff administration needs and more for the people coming through our front doors.

We also collaborate with multiple charity watchdogs, an independent accounting firm (with an annual audit) and a board of Directors who prayerfully watches over our work.  (You can click here for more details.) Because transparency and accountability are important, we also publish the results of our work annually and routinely.

Low Costs, but High Support

We have just received the annual report from our auditors, and we are pleased to report that our administrative costs for 2018 were at 1.7 percent. This means that more than “98 cents of every dollar” you give directly ministers to people in need.

We are so grateful for the constant support of this community, among the most generous in the nation. You are making a difference in the lives of real people every day.  We are both humbled and honored by your support. Thank you!

Date Published: April 11, 2019

Love and Laughter at Rainbow Express®

Children love Rainbow Express®. Moms and dads love Rainbow Express®, and so do we. Stop by any Rainbow Express® event (at 91 locations across our community through Spring Break), and you will see children running, laughing, and huge smiles all around.

Of course, the Rainbow Express® experience is fun – with outdoor running games (duck-duck goose, “mother may I,” and so much more), cute and classy crafts, silly songs (with plenty of movement for the young people to express themselves exuberantly), and lots of personal attention from the students in church youth groups who come here from all across the nation.

Rainbow Express® also contains a Bible story embedded at the core of each days activities.  As these children enjoy the creativity, the crafts, and the fun, they are also hearing and seeing tangible expressions of God’s love – through God’s Word, and from the people around them demonstrating that love in multiple ways.  Hearing of God’s love for the first time, or having it reaffirmed again is so fulfilling for our community’s children who take the message to heart.

In addition to the “built-in” fun of the Rainbow Express® there is the additional blessing for the children of just having something to do during the week of Spring Break. If it is true, as the old saying goes, that “idle minds are the devil’s workshop,” then the Rainbow Express® experience gives the children something productive and fun to be involved with, and may help keep them from the trouble which often stems from being bored. The exercise from the outdoor games, and the interaction with other children and adults is a blessing to everyone involved.

We love seeing the smiles on the faces of the 7,127 children who attended a Spring Break Rainbow Express® over the last 3 weeks.  We loved seeing the smiles on the faces of parents as their children were blessed in multiple ways, and we love the way we felt as we shared God’s love with children across our community. Over the past 3 weeks, 178 young people have given their heart to Christ.

We are so thankful for your constant support.

Date Published: March 28, 2019

Charity Navigator Awards 13th “Four-Star” Designation to Mission Arlington®

Mission Arlington’s commitment to accountability and transparency have earned it a 4-STAR RATING from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. This is the 13th consecutive time Mission Arlington® has earn this distinction.

Since 2002, using objective analysis, Charity Navigator has awarded only the most fiscally responsible organizations a 4-star rating. In 2011, Charity Navigator added 17 metrics, focused on governance and ethical practices as well as measures of openness, to its ratings methodology.

These Accountability & Transparency metrics, which account for 50 percent of a charity’s overall rating, reveal which charities operate in accordance with industry best practices and whether they are open with their donors and stakeholders. On June 1, 2016, this important charity watchdog upgraded its methodology for rating each charity’s’ financial health with enhancements that further substantiates the financial health of their designated four star charities.

Mission Arlington’s 4-star rating demonstrates its trustworthiness to the public,” according to Michael Thatcher, President & CEO of Charity Navigator. “Only a quarter of charities rated by Charity Navigator receive the distinction of our 4-star rating. Based on its 4-star rating, people can trust that their donations are going to a financially responsible and ethical charity when they decide to support the work here.

We want to express our gratitude to every person and team who pray, volunteer, and give to make a difference here.  We are so grateful for the privilege we have of working with this community.

Date Published: March 23, 2019


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