Love and Laughter at Rainbow Express®
Children love Rainbow Express®. Moms and dads love Rainbow Express®, and so do we. Stop by any Rainbow Express® event (at 91 locations across our community through Spring Break), and you will see children running, laughing, and huge smiles all around.
Of course, the Rainbow Express® experience is fun – with outdoor running games (duck-duck goose, “mother may I,” and so much more), cute and classy crafts, silly songs (with plenty of movement for the young people to express themselves exuberantly), and lots of personal attention from the students in church youth groups who come here from all across the nation.
Rainbow Express® also contains a Bible story embedded at the core of each days activities. As these children enjoy the creativity, the crafts, and the fun, they are also hearing and seeing tangible expressions of God’s love – through God’s Word, and from the people around them demonstrating that love in multiple ways. Hearing of God’s love for the first time, or having it reaffirmed again is so fulfilling for our community’s children who take the message to heart.
In addition to the “built-in” fun of the Rainbow Express® there is the additional blessing for the children of just having something to do during the week of Spring Break. If it is true, as the old saying goes, that “idle minds are the devil’s workshop,” then the Rainbow Express® experience gives the children something productive and fun to be involved with, and may help keep them from the trouble which often stems from being bored. The exercise from the outdoor games, and the interaction with other children and adults is a blessing to everyone involved.
We love seeing the smiles on the faces of the 7,127 children who attended a Spring Break Rainbow Express® over the last 3 weeks. We loved seeing the smiles on the faces of parents as their children were blessed in multiple ways, and we love the way we felt as we shared God’s love with children across our community. Over the past 3 weeks, 178 young people have given their heart to Christ.
We are so thankful for your constant support.
Charity Navigator Awards 13th “Four-Star” Designation to Mission Arlington®
Mission Arlington’s commitment to accountability and transparency have earned it a 4-STAR RATING from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. This is the 13th consecutive time Mission Arlington® has earn this distinction.
Since 2002, using objective analysis, Charity Navigator has awarded only the most fiscally responsible organizations a 4-star rating. In 2011, Charity Navigator added 17 metrics, focused on governance and ethical practices as well as measures of openness, to its ratings methodology.
These Accountability & Transparency metrics, which account for 50 percent of a charity’s overall rating, reveal which charities operate in accordance with industry best practices and whether they are open with their donors and stakeholders. On June 1, 2016, this important charity watchdog upgraded its methodology for rating each charity’s’ financial health with enhancements that further substantiates the financial health of their designated four star charities.
Mission Arlington’s 4-star rating demonstrates its trustworthiness to the public,” according to Michael Thatcher, President & CEO of Charity Navigator. “Only a quarter of charities rated by Charity Navigator receive the distinction of our 4-star rating. Based on its 4-star rating, people can trust that their donations are going to a financially responsible and ethical charity when they decide to support the work here.
We want to express our gratitude to every person and team who pray, volunteer, and give to make a difference here. We are so grateful for the privilege we have of working with this community.
“Spring in our Step”

An outdoor baptism last Spring. There is such joy in serving the Lord.
Spring Break begins this week, so you will see some extra “Spring in our Step” these days. There are several reasons for the excitement: 1) School is out next week, so the young people are certainly happy about that; 2) the weather is moving toward Spring-like temperatures, away from the winter cold; 3) and the “spring cleaning” happening throughout the community means more people drop by with gifts for people in need. It makes our day when you drop by, and we do smile more when – day by day – we see hard working families receive what they need to be OK.

Outdoor Worship Service. Praising God in the center of the city with a big week ahead.
Probably the biggest reason for the extra hustle and bustle around here, however, is the start of Rainbow Express® Hundreds of students in multiple groups are coming to lead Rainbow Express®, our version of a back-yard Bible club. We have been preparing, planning, and praying for months, and teams begin arriving today. These young people are giving up their Spring Break week to serve here, and we love serving alongside them and their leaders.
Last year, more than 25 thousand (25,961) children and youth attended Rainbow Express®, and we had the privilege of supporting these 4-day events in nearly 400 locations, and 748 young people accepted Christ. It’s no wonder we’re excited.
We kick off this season with a huge outdoor worship service in the center of downtown Arlington. It is a beautiful sight to see so many people worshiping the Lord, then moving out through the community to make a difference in his name.
It puts a spring in our step.
In League with Mission Arlington®

Fifty (50) children, volunteer coaches, and Bible study leaders gathered at Mission Arlington’s basketball leagues this past Saturday. The children work hard, have fun, and learn about the Lord while playing ball. We are grateful for you!
Basketball Leagues
Students in our community have the opportunity to participate in Mission Arlington’s basketball leagues every Saturday in February and March, and it is so much fun. Bible study leaders pick up a van or bus at our downtown offices on Saturday morning, then gather students from their homes and bring them to play in our basketball leagues. More than 50 young people join in each week.
Student Benefits
Historically, organizations have produced various reports and surveys about the connection between sports and the health of students. Of course, the physical exercise is good for the health of children and teens, but there are other benefits as well.
For example, students learn how to win and/or to lose in a safe environment. They learn what it means to play on a team – to pass the ball instead of taking the shot. Some believe, of course, that the discipline and dedication it takes to play sports also impacts other areas of life later on.
An additional benefit is that students learn and practice the basic skills of the game which give them a head start for sports participation in other arenas later in life. Each year, our volunteer head coach explains dribbling, passing, and other terms the students will need as they grow in their knowledge of the game.
The Mission Arlington® Difference
On a Mission Arlington® league, the students always have fun. Observers will see a lot of smiles and laughter throughout the practices. Also, each session begins and concludes with prayer, and biblical devotions are incorporated into each practice.
The heart of our work with children and youth isn’t the hope that these students will be leading the league in later years, but that each one knows how much God loves them, and they are important to the Lord, and to us.
Our Saturday competitions are exercises in fun and constant encouragement. You can see instruction taking place in the context of phrases like “Well done” and “Good job!” We are so grateful for each volunteer coach and every Bible study leader who give their Saturdays to make a difference in the lives of students.
Please keep these events in your prayers through February and March. We are grateful for you.
Praying in the New Year
A new year is just around the corner. Where did the old one go? Life seems to move more quickly than ever. We are so grateful for our partnership with you through each turn, and for the confidence we have of walking this journey together as the new year unfolds. We want to invite you to join us in a couple of ventures as we say goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019.
“Praying In” the New Year
The Mission Arlington® family has a tradition for New Year’s eve. After a full day of receiving donations from one of the most generous communities we know about, we finish about 6 p.m., an hour earlier than normal. At 7:00, we gather to worship and pray. We sing the songs of our heart for fifteen minutes or so, and then we pray silently. We don’t have a long devotional or a message. We simply pray. The service is open-ended, so that people leave when they are finished praying. The room empties over time, and we quietly finish the new year together. We don’t stay up late, because we will be back in the office early on January 1st, ready to serve and to help.
We would be honored if you would join us on New Year’s Eve, but even if you can’t be with us physically, we invite you to stop wherever you are to pray for God to be honored through our work, and for people to receive the care they need as we go throughout 2019.
Praying “in the New Year”
We also invite you to pray with us and for the work each day of 2019. Strategies and hard work are important, of course, and it is important to do what we do as best we can. But if that is all we do, then our work won’t have the impact it should, because it will be dependent upon our own strength and resources.
With all of our hearts, we believe that our work is fueled by prayer. Mission Arlington belongs to the Lord. The following paragraph describes the Spirit of our work well:
Mission Arlington® belongs to God. This isn’t our story, but His. He had plans in place for this Ministry and for all who work here long before it happened. He started this mission, sustains us moment by moment, and He holds our future in His hands.
As we talk about who we are it is with sincere humility, a sense of dependency and a commitment to the leadership of His Spirit within us.
You can read the full expression of the above paragraph here.
You can pray for us “in the New Year” anyway that works best for you. For one possible pattern, we suggest that people stop whereever they are at 10:00 every morning – a pause – to pray for God’s work here. In this way, we can symbolically hold hands across our community, and indeed, around the world, to pray for the Mission.
We provide suggestions about ways to pray which you can receive by joining our prayer network. You can find instructions here.
We are grateful for you.
Thank you so much for walking this journey with us. We love you, and we love serving in and with this community to care for people in need. We do pray for you as you let us know your needs. We are grateful for you, and we are excited about walking together through the months ahead.
Christmas Store Opens

The “Christmas Store,” free of charge, open for business, filled with volunteers, and people receiving the gifts they need for their families. Thank you so much! There are many more days of the store ahead. Come see us!
Our Christmas Store opened to the public today. Hundreds of families came through the store, receiving love, encouragement, and lots of gifts for their family.
A Generous and Kind Community
We have been preparing all-year-long for this day. You have given throughout the year to make today possible, and you have done it in extraordinary ways. For example, young children across our community have given their toys, so that other children could be blessed. Parents have purchased one gift for their children, then doubled down on another gift to bless someone else’s child. Companies have parties and various gatherings, but instead of Christmas gifts for each other, they choose to supply gifts for children in need. Churches, civic groups, and corporations gather toys, so that children will be blessed. It’s a story that has as many renditions as there are people, each one beautiful in its own right and worth re-telling.
The Difference You Make
We wish that each of you could see the smiles on the faces of parents as they exit the store, arms filled with wrapped gifts for their children. The smiles, the Christmas greetings, and the expressions of gratitude sounded throughout the halls of the store today, and it was extraordinary to experience. We know that the acclamation expressed to us, was intended for you. We hope you know it too. All of us working together can make a difference in the lives of ordinary, but very real people at the very point of their need. We are grateful to be one part of such a generous community.
You may be surprised to know that we have adults who come by from time to time who remember the days when they were children – in families experiencing a momentary hardship where everyone knew Christmas would be scarce. Then the gifts showed up around their tree, because someone they didn’t know gave to make a difference. Years later, those stories still bring tears to the eyes of those children – now grown men and women. The beautiful thing too is how often it creates in them a desire to give back, or to pay it forward.
The Road Ahead
The Christmas Store will open again on Monday, December 10th. It stays open every day through December 22nd, excluding Sundays, always from 10 to 6. Christmas gifts and toys are always needed, and volunteers too. If you and your family want to come, please come on in whenever you are available. You don’t need an appointment. If you are bringing a group, we welcome you too, anytime you are able to serve. Give us a call, or drop us a note, and we’ll get your team on our schedule.
Please keep us in your prayers through the days ahead. We are grateful for your support!
Thankful for Thanksgiving

Volunteering on Thanksgiving Day is a blessing for those who give as well as those who receive.
Thanksgiving brings us together. All across our nation, families come home, gather around the table. Our differences become smaller than what unites us, and we often recognize, even when times are tough, how blessed we are.
Thanksgiving at Mission Arlington® is as much a spirit as it is an event. We see in one place, and in one morning, what we experience all year long – from a community which gives more than it receives simply to bless someone else in need.
Perhaps some of us have been there when times were tough, and the price of a turkey was too much for the family to afford. Many know what it is like to wish someone had cared for them in their moment of need. We hear it every Thanksgiving from some one – “I used to be the one receiving this meal. Now, I am here to give back.” They want to make sure that others never have to be hungry and alone on Thanksgiving morning, so they drive from all across the DFW Metroplex, give their time, spend their own money to purchase the food.
Others have been blessed all along, and haven’t necessarily known a need like this, but they bring their children to serve, because on this special holiday, the parents want their children to know how blessed they really are. Perhaps the children don’t have every toy and technological tool that they want, or the newest clothes, but they have more than they need. As they deliver the Thanksgiving meals with their families, the children experience the rich blessing of service to others and love for all without a need to know the details. “Thanks for letting us bring our children” is a refrain heard often, among the crowd.
For many, this day at Mission Arlington® has become a family tradition. They meet other family, or they come with a team, and they have been serving in the Thanksgiving line for 10 or 15 years in a row. They will often say to us “Do you remember when?” and mention some detail of a Thanksgiving day gone by. Years ago, a few volunteers got up at 3:00 a.m. to make coffee for the Thanksgiving Day volunteers. The year before had been cold and wet, and they wanted people to have a hot cup of coffee to drink. It took most of the night to make 5,000 cups of coffee. That particular Thanksgiving morning was very warm, and people had already stopped to purchase their coffee on the way in. We did give away a lot of coffee on that day, but we also had quite a bit left. We still smile about those days.
The laughter and love which spills over all across the city is extraordinary to experience. If you would like to be part of it, please join us. We start at 8:00 a.m. It may be one of the best Thanksgiving day experiences of your life. All glory to God.
See here for more details.
North Texas Giving Day 2018
North Texas Giving Day
The North Texas Giving Day happens again on Thursday, September 20th. This is a special day for participating Non-Profits in the DFW region, and it is powered by the good people at the Communities Foundation of Texas. Mission Arlington® / Mission Metroplex® has been pleased to participate in this experience for the last several years.
How Does it Work?
The 2018 “Day of Giving” happens over an 18 hour window, between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 20th. When you contribute to us through the North Texas Giving Day LINK, the Communities Foundation of Texas will add to your gift, multiplying its impact. This means that your gift goes farther than it would with a direct contribution here.
Scheduled Giving
If you are going to be “out of pocket” for some reason on September 20th, you can schedule your donation in advance through the same LINK.
Your Gift Will Go Farther & Make A Difference
- Our administrative overhead continues to be at 2.3 percent. This means that almost 98 cents of every dollar ministers directly to people in need.
- Between 500 – 600 people a day come through our front doors for help six days each week. We provide emergency services for families in crisis, including food, clothes, furniture, and emergency financial assistance. Our medical and dental clinics treat hundreds of people each month, and we do a great deal of work with children & youth all year long.
- You can discover more about our services , our “hours of operation,” and/or our contact information at the corresponding links.
Grateful for You
Your gifts on this day through the past few years have been an encouragement to us, and also have made a significant difference in the lives of the people we serve every day. We are grateful for you.
Nine thousand & Growing:
School Supplies’ Report

So many of you volunteered to sort school supplies and to organize the supplies into grades. Volunteering at Mission Arlington is so much fun!
9,000 students have received supplies so far.
You provide what students need.
We are so amazed by your constant generosity. So many individuals and teams collected school supplies, bringing in exactly what we needed day by day. Others sent funds to purchase supplies. Still others found creative ways to give. It has been so much fun to see the joy on your face as you drop by, school supplies in hand.
We are always so encouraged and blessed by your generosity, and we wish that every one of you could see the smiles on the children as they receive the supplies. By the time school began this Fall, we had provided more supplies to more than 9,000 students, and that number continues to grow.
We flex to meet those needs.
For various reasons families aren’t able to sign up for their supplies by the time that school begins. Many families have parents who are determined to purchase the supplies for their children instead of receiving them from us.
Other families have just lost their job or experienced a hospitalization of some kind which puts them behind in providing the resources they need for their children’s education. When something does fall through (as it could for any of us,) the Mission family is so glad we can be here to help, and do do it with the kind of encouragement and support that any of us would want for ourselves or for people we care about. We will update you as the final numbers come in.
We get to do it together!
We love the privilege of doing what we do here every day, and we especially love walking this journey with you! Thank you so much!
Mission Arlington Turns 32
Our hearts are filled with gratitude today, as the Mission Arlington® family celebrates its 32nd birthday and begins its 33rd year. Birthed in prayer, and launched through the heart and vision of a faithful church, the ministry is still going strong into its fourth decade. Tillie Burgin, our Executive Director, has been here since the beginning. On this special day, we want you to know how grateful we are for you, and we want to thank you for the donation of three wonderful gifts:
We have furniture, household items, school supplies, (and so much more), because you gave it first. No one in our community should ever have to be hungry, for example, because you keep our food pantries full. We have always known that we are a reflection of the generous and faithful community who surrounds us, because the resources for every service we provide comes directly from you. The great news which follows is that all of our services are free. Because you give it, we can give it away.

Volunteer Sue Spaniolo serves here each week helping to keep our food pantry organized and supplied. Sue first started volunteering with us during the hurricane season in 2017. We are so grateful for volunteers who give themselves to make a difference here.
It is one thing to give your things, and quite another to give of yourself. We are so amazed at the way that hundreds of volunteers each week make their way downtown to lift the load. Some of you help us organize the provisions we receive, not always an easy task. Others use their time to care directly for people – in our health clinics, front room, sports arenas, Bible studies, and more. We recognize both the sacrifice it takes and the generous spirit behind your presence with us, and we are grateful. Beyond helping the people we serve together, you are an encouragement to us. That is no small gift.
We believe that this ministry belongs to the Lord. Our role is to follow His lead, and to share His love throughout our community in whatever way that we can. Your prayers on our behalf encourage us, and remind us to lean into Him for direction and strength. It is the one gift you can give from any time and place, and which will always be needed and appropriated in the work here. We truly value and appreciate the way you cover us in prayer every day. Thank you.
What’s Next?
We are asked this question from time to time. Our goal is to support the families in our community who are at a point of need, and to treat each person with dignity and respect. We want to share authentically the good news of God’s love as far and wide as we can, and to be consistent and humble as we share. We look forward with enthusiasm to walking this journey alongside you into the future. We are grateful for where we’ve been, and we are excited about the days and months ahead. Thank you so much for your support!